The Emperor's New School
The Emperor's New School
TV-Y | 27 January 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    OleFr-Skj The Emperor's New School was a hit in my house when it first came out back in 06, everyone loved it. It's by far one of the best shows I remember.The best part is that, even when watching it again now, I can still totally enjoy it.What a lot of people seem to miss is that, while Kuzco is admittedly arrogant and egotistical, he is never actually rewarded for this behavior. A perfect example would be in the episode "The bride of Kuzco", where Kuzco almost blows off Malina to get married to a princess, which would instantly make him emperor. By the end, however, Kuzco wises up and apologizes, and finally gets to go on a sort-of-date with Malina.The show's main focus, however, is comedy. It's very much the same style of humor as the movie, only expanded and refined. A lot of the more famous parts of the movie are expanded into running gags, like the trap lever at the entrance to the secret lab, the roller-coaster, Kuzco pausing the episode, Kuzco being turned into an animal etc. etc.All that is good stuff, it's not just repeating the same jokes, it's making new material within the same parameters.The show also has a few other gags that fit in greatly, like how Yzma's "clever" disguise as school principal Amzy always gets Kronk fooled; every time he needs to have it spelled out for him, which allows for great amounts of hilarity.The show is also fairly self-referential and doesn't steer clear of making fun of itself: there's one episode that starts brilliantly with Kronk and Yzma doing their normal routine, only for Kronk to have a strong sense of Deja Vü. Haven't they done this before? He proceeds to pull the wrong lever, repeatedly, after which this conversation takes place:Yzma: The other leverKronk: Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, it's always the other lever. What are the odds?I find myself laughing out loud multiple times while watching The Emperor's New School. Much like its "spiritual" Disney Channel predecessor Dave the Barbarian, the show rarely takes itself seriously, and mostly just delivers crazy off-the-wall randomness that's well paced and well acted to boot.The Emperor's New School is very underrated, and deserves more appreciation
    beth phunker In actuality you beautiful neolithic genius, the characters are brown but how would you like them to sound exactly? First off these characters are Egyptian, so that means they should by default sound Persian, however to think that a casting director for a crappy Disney Saturday morning cartoon is going to go through the trouble to get either voice actors who can mimic accents such as would be required in this case, or actual Persian actors is asinine, especially when it's viewers are predominantly idiotic underachieving endomorphic offspring of c.h.u.d.s who are thick as a brick and aren't really going to notice until certain adults step in and make comments about how white, or black or whatever the characters sound. So here's to you friend and I hope that you will find wisdom as you mature, though it is doubtful, now then you can resume watching Highlander and continue your rant on how Sean Connery plays a Persian with a Scottish accent and how this ruins the film for you. By the way the Emperors New School is a fine cartoon for children it's not particularly brilliant in any way but it is entertaining and after all isn't that what cartoons once were before the fall of the basic civil liberty of the individual? The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show it isn't, but it is as I said before entertaining.
    mazzfee The new voices scare me! Kuzco doesn't have to pass some frickkin' academy to become emperor again! It's the same thing over and over, isn't it? This IS a kids' show, right? Yzma turns Kuzco into something stupid, like an animal. He learns a lesson. EVERYTHING IS THE SAME!!!!! David Spade and John Goodman never returned... *sniffle*! Nothing changes 'cause Disney won't do anything 'bout it. It's probably one of the most retarded shows ever! The first movie was so damn better! Malina's probably the only person I like. Kuzco's such a crybaby! Kronk is retarded! And Yzma's retarded-ER (if that's even a word)! What I meant to say is... How could you, Disney... why?
    cuteychick0013 i thought it was gonna be a cool TV seres because i was a big fan of both the movies made with kuzco but it turns out that they did use a different dude for his voice in stead of David Spade the other dude I'm not sure what his name is but he reminded me of a another character from the original movie Kronks shoulder angel you can totally tell just by listening to him talk the show is kind of funny but not only kuzco but Patchas voice is different as well and the way they draw patcha who is normally played by john Goodman also changed as well and what happened to Birdwell in kronks new groove Kronk got married ,on The Emerors New School no Birdwell its like Kuzco is a small child trying to graduate its almost stupid actually and the theme song is so preppy i guess its not terrible but its not awesome either
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