The Royal Bodyguard
The Royal Bodyguard
| 26 December 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Prismark10 David Jason returns to BBC sitcom land where he has had great success in the past. He plays Captain Guy Hubble; an ex-guardsman who becomes the Head of Security at the Buckingham Palace car park. He then gets promoted as the Royal Bodyguard after somehow saving the Queen's life at the State Opening of Parliament.Geoffrey Whitehead is Colonel Dennis Whittington; Hubble's hapless boss. He knows that Hubble is useless but is unable to fire him because Hubble somehow manages to please the Queen.You can immediately guess that Jason plays a cross between Johnny English and Inspector Clouseau with Whittington essentially being Inspector Dreyfus.At 71 years of age, Jason is rather too old to play such a role and looks it especially as is makes demands on him physically. It also did not help that the sitcom is so lame, predictable and lacks an ounce of originality as you know where they got their inspiration from and has an actor who is miscast.
    Film TV This has been the funniest series on television of late! David Jason is brilliant as are his colleagues in the series, actors Tim Bentinck and Geoffrey Whitehead. I really hope a second series is made! It is a great show to start the week with. Lighthearted and funny. So much better than the stand up comedians who are frequently on television who just aren't funny! So good to see a new and very British comedy on television instead of repeats or the same old thing. It is great to see David Jason back doing more comedy. He is wonderful in drag in one episode in particular. It may be quite a simple storyline, but that is part of what makes it work! I look forward to seeing more of The royal Bodyguard.
    ironorchid-1 I sat through two episodes of this as I though maybe I was being unfair by loathing it after just ten minutes, but I wasn't. And I also think I am being generous giving it one star as this is beyond awful it has got to be the worst thing I have ever seen passed off as comedy in all my 50 plus years. It's dreadfully trite, screamingly unfunny and so badly written it's embarrassing. How on earth David Jason was persuaded to put his name and prodigious comedy acting talent to this heap of nonsense is beyond me. If anyone from the BBC is reading this, get it off and don't make any more please. And if you are planning to watch it for the first time, don't bother, visit your dentist or clean the drains instead, it'll be more fun.
    PuravidaSlant I am a big fan of David Jason's work. I have enjoyed everything I have ever seen him do. I especially liked his very believable capacity of being the inside guy, the market hustler, the anti-establishment cop who got the bad guy, the charming rogue with a knowing smile and, when needed, the capacity for a spot of pathos. And now this. I don't know what demographic the executives at BBC were thinking of pleasing when they approved this stinker. A young viewer wouldn't find this Mister Magoo with bad lines and no plot worth their time. I guess the target demo might be older viewers who never liked David Jason and now find joy in watching him fail. The failure here is the "boss" who made the decision to let this poor concept get past the pitch. David my old friend, look for roles that cast you as a smartypants old duffer and we'll all go out laughing. Now that would be purrrrrfect!