The Detectives
The Detectives
NR | 27 January 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Diagonaldi Very well executed
    Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
    Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    adam-1009 I know what some people will say - it's not "Fawlty Towers", it's not "Monty Python", so it's can't be that good. And here's where they will be wrong - England have produced at least dozen great comedy series on level that none of the US series would ever reach.And "The Detectives" is one of those series - funny, entertaining and not too pushy about the humor - that's all I ask from comedy :) Despite that fifth season was on a little bit lower level still this is one of my favorite comedy series. Perhaps because there isn't unnecessary vulgarisms or boring "action" scenes - just simply stories with plenty of memorable quotes and hilarious situations.If you haven't seen it you don't know what you're missing!
    wristwatchraver-1 It wasn't meant to be a classic and admittedly it wasn't. But I doesn't mean it wasn't any good. Personally, at the time of the original broadcast I was too young to get the jokes or to be interested in the series. I even had no idea who Robert Powell was (other than the fact that at one point he had been crucified (Jesus Of Nazerath)). But now the DVD's are coming out, I'm getting back into them. Obviously, the humour has changed and I'm finding many of the jokes very 'of the time' and 'too tame' to some lines that I could put in. The only comment I could say against the first series is, why the hell put Jim Bergerac in it? He's got his own show! It might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but it just seemed odd to me. The issues tackled in this fantastic comedy/drama, are also very much of the time and are funny but only if you're old enough to remember them. Nothing these actors have done since matches this. Powell and Carrott, a perfect pairing! But(like The Thin Blue Line) this is worth a watch with an open mind.
    Jattwood1 Series 1 of "The Detectives" is finally coming to DVD on the 12th June 2006, that's according to and, so at last we can enjoy these excellent shows again without having to hunt for the out of print VHS tapes. The DVD is being released by Cinema Club, according to amazon, so yet again the BBC have not got their act together and released it themselves. As with the classic comedy "Goodnight Sweetheart", released by Revelation Films, it seems it has taken another studio to release this wonderful show to the eagerly awaiting public. Although I'll bet that the BBC get royalties from the release because most DVD producers go to the BBC for permission unlike Revelation Films who seem to find another route which enables them to by-pass that permission. Anyway, it's still a big thank you to Cinema Club for finally getting the DVD out there. Now we just have to hope that all 30 episodes will be released, we don't want another fiasco like the "People Like Us" release where the subsequent series don't appear.
    Ian Jenkins (Bulldog7) This show was, and still is, great fun as the two leading roles play off of each other perfectly. No-one else could play the ever insecure roles of Briggs and Louis as well as Powell and Carrott. This show, to the best of my recollection, was never touted as a TV classic and was meant to be one of those programmes that everyone loves. It was very successful in that. The only person who I have ever heard say they did not like it was American and, by their own admission, did not get some of the 'British humour'. This show was a class act all the way.