The Code
The Code
NR | 21 September 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    lunarmists This is definitely one of the best TV series that Australia has put out in so long, it gets you sitting on the edge of your seat, There no other series like it that I have ever watched and best of all it suits just about anyone. I think there is something for everyone, but I wouldn't let young kids watch it. There is action, mystery, thriller comedy and drama all wrapped up in one big bundle of awesome watching....You never know what is going to happen next. I do however just wish that the seasons went longer., its not as if our country is poor or lacking in exceptionally good actors. All the acting and actors in this series are top class, The story line is believable, and unpredictable and it encompasses the way the world really is, touching on subjects that are perhaps politically "sensitive", making it really good entertainment. I give it a 10 with no hesitation.
    cartman_usaf I enjoy too much the gripping story line and show how real terrorist are treated in some way. I think Jesse is the character you root for for the whole story. They could do a movie and it will be very successful. I enjoy the show now that is in Netflix. Hopefully they could continue the story and expand more they could start with how Jesse got caught and was sentenced not to touch a computer ever again. And the story of his brother with a member of th PM CHAMBER. I'm becoming more addicted to all Aussie and New Zealand TV series. They are becoming a big powerhouse in TV series. Netflix and the USA audience should start give a chance to all the series that I'm glad you can see thru my iPad,Xbox and PS3. I hope Netflix continue to bring more and even cinema from the Australia, New Zealand.
    christiank7 I gave this a 2 because I could not sit thru all the episodes without throwing up so I jumped 3,4 and 5 and went straight to six. Seems like it was a great decision. I know the OUTBACK, been there a lot and I know Australia - 30 years of my life was spent there and it is astonishing to me that the clichés never stop coming from down under. What possesses the government funded film body to continue to support repetitive garbage like this. The only saving graces in this film are the occasional well acted moments which I have to say is all on the actors because the script is a disaster, and the occasional glimpse of a great natural wonderland. Neither of these attributes accounts for the dismal production and the downright pathetic naiveté of the plot. When will Australian film and TV finally mature beyond these mass oriented offerings that allow soap packages to advertise themselves. Integrity seems to be a foreign word down under. One of the really annoying aspects of this plot is the continued dumb mentality that all in government are bad and that the few low life individuals are the bastion of what is moral and correct. That is the 99% madness that gripped the bottom feeders in the US a few years ago. That is not a very imaginative mindset and one that is so far from the truth that it can only be regarded as liberal propaganda and that term 'liberal' is meant in the US sense. Australia should seriously consider renaming its political parties to be in line with the rest of the world. The Australian Liberal Party is NOT "liberal" but Labour certainly is. Conservative versus liberal or democratic - get the message people. OK Back to this waste off celluloid shot on whatever 4k digital and who cares anyway, the technology is not the point the theater is and this theatrical non-entity should never have passed the first reading which asks the BIG question , HOW DID IT? Someone is to blame and I bet they are all hiding in their collective toilets after this release. To Australians who though this was great view, what can I say. Yikes. Come on Australia, please please please GROW THE FRACK UP!
    Michael Denham A very poor attempt at copying the recent excellent Scandinavian series such as The Killing and Borgen, even down to using the same type of music, a rapid recap at the start of each episode, and fast forward at the end. Made an initially good start but soon lost any credulity, with a bunch of cardboard cutout characters, especially the criminally inclined cops and politicians, and an unbelievable plot. The computer hacking abilities were totally beyond belief, actions were inexplicable and unexplained and the plot seemed to be being made up as it went along. Unable to watch beyond the fourth episode as it became more and more unbelievable.