Jack & Bobby
Jack & Bobby
| 12 September 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    HeadlinesExotic Boring
    Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
    ultra_man_legends I had tried watching this despite my distaste of the previews about the show(I thought the plot was stupid...). I'd always watch piece by piece then after that I'd change the channel, but I managed to watch one episode fully, the episode where they meet their father in jail... it was JUST OK, but for a show meaning for one of the boys to become the President of the States... clips of senates speaking about Bobby's past... no. This show was the most overrated hype I've ever seen. The plot was very off of what was REALLY happening in the show, and had nothing to do wit anything about becoming President.This show, to me, was just a show to flatter or butter up American society, in other words; American Patriots. JUST to have something to do wit the Government, having some dramatic intro of the show, showing this show's about being an American, while Jake has all the pre-marital sex he "unintentionally" gets.This show has been said to have a deep meaning, intelligence that's too big to be understood, but all I saw was just another sitcom trying to impress the United States of America. This show didn't add anything new to TV or seem in anyway 'smart', but the fact that one of the boys were to be President later on in life... which the show was basing around girlfriend/boyfriend relationships and abortions. I'm glad they pulled this show, because nothing about it was 'special'... just an attempt to pull a lot of viewers to watch the thing, which worked for a minute, but it didn't last.Thank you WB for pulling this show, it wasn't doing anything or showing anything but how desperate writers are to make something worth watching.
    Travis_Bickle01 Jack & Bobby tells the story of 2 boys, raised by a single mother. It's a story of growing up, trying to find your way, searching for your identity,... It's hard to describe what this TV-series is about because there's so much in it. It's not a classical TV-series about the typical American family. It's a clever masterpiece which deals with serious life issues of teenage boys who are trying to find their way in this life, who are trying to find out who they want to be and what they want to stand for.I have seen many series and movies about people, trying to find their way in life, about people who haven't figured it out yet...but this is the first series who succeed in capturing it all in such a unique, intelligent and sensitive way without getting melodramatic. An episode lasts about 40 minutes but I have the impression it lasts less and every time the episode has finished, i can't wait to see the next! I'm afraid I'm getting addicted to it. No seriously, this is just outstanding, wonderful, brilliant,... Just see it!There is also some great acting in this. Christine Lahti (who plays Grace, the mother) is brilliant. I think she should have won the Golden Globe. The rest of the cast is also without any exception terrific.Here I will tell something more about the different characters. Jack & Bobby is the story of two brothers and their mother Grace. Jack is the oldest of the brothers. He is 16 (but looks and is in real life much older) and he is a nice, good looking and popular young guy. Although he is only 16, he is very responsible and grown-up. For him, it's very important to be accepted and to fit in. His girlfriend Missy is a blond, rather shallow young girl who cares a lot about her looks but doesn't seem to have much inside her head.Besides his relationship with Missy, Jack also has a beautiful friendship with Courtney. Courtney not only lives in his neighbourhood but she's also the deans daughter. She's a fragile young girl who has been through a lot. For her, Jack is more than just a friend, he is her best friend.Then there is Bobby, the youngest brother. He is 13 and he differs a lot from his brother Jack. He doesn't care much about fitting in. For him, growing up isn't as easy as it is to Jack. But there is a good understanding between the two brothers. Like his brother, Bobby also has a good relationship with Courtney. They understand each other very good and they are both good listeners.Last but not least there is Grace. She is about 40 and she is the mother of both boys. She's a single mother but she's very self-confident and intelligent. Raising her two boys on her own isn't always easy and she does make mistakes, but she is a good person.It's only just the start of this TV-series. I've seen 8 episodes and I can't wait to see the rest! I'll give it ***** out of *****
    Eoin Jack and Bobby is by the far the best new show of the year,and one of the best shows on television.It is an intelligent and enjoyable drama with great actors.What more do you want?Oh wait,from what I've been reading from some people here is that it is boring and predictable.You know what I see?I see an intelligent drama that is just too intelligent for the vast majority of people.They would rather watch the crap that is reality television or gritty crime shows such as CSI which is the most predictable show on television.I'm not saying CSI is bad,I watch it and its okay,but it is just a crime/forensic drama that doesn't involve much thinking at all,I have always guessed the killers right off,and have always been right.As for reality TV,it is ruining great dramas such as Jack and Bobby,Angel 3rd Watch which is better than ER but doesn't get near as many viewers.Jack and Bobby is beyond reality TV,it involves people to think and to get sucked in,reality TV is for the people who find it hard to think.Great acting from all the cast,most notably Christine Lahti and the young Logan Lerman and great writing from Greg Berlanti(Everwood),Thomas Schlamme(The West Wing),Vanessa Taylor(Everwood and Alias) and directors such as David Nutter (Without a Trace,Roswell,The X-Files), provide a top quality show that is just too intelligent for many people.
    CyberZim27 This show is probably going to be big. I can already tell I'm going to get addicted to it the way I usually get addicted to WB programming. It's nice to see a show so well cast (Lahti is particularly impressive) but I'm still not sold on Berlanti's writing. This is his third show on the WB, and he appears to be recycling the same types of clichés he's been using since Dawson's Creek, which is to say the highly intelligent if socially awkward hero(es) versus the cool kids. We saw it with the Dawson clique versus school, Ephram versus Bright, and now it seems Bobby versus Jack. However whereas I could not bear to stomach even one episode of Dawson's Creek, I will probably faithfully tune in to Jack & Bobby, so progress has been made, one viewer at a time. One of these days, though, I'd love to see Berlanti use his powers for good, instead of piggybacking on some clever hooks and a beautiful cast.