Terror in Resonance
Terror in Resonance
TV-14 | 11 July 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Steineded How sad is this?
    Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Guy Schellens The first episodes create an interesting premise: a mysterious terrorist group, nuclear threat, manipulation, government conspiracies, yep we're in the 2010's... Everything is beautiful animated, the music's really great and at any moment you expect this show to really gain momentum and explode. But in my humble opinion this just doesn't happen. The main characters are quite sterile, I didn't end up caring for them. A lot of elements covered in the story were already explored in numerous other (anime) works. Some twists are quite far fetched and silly. And when the plot is finally revealed... well there weren't surprises. Everyone can see so much work, dedication and love went into this series, so it is still worth to check it out.
    Bla Flu The anime is a psychological thriller about two teenagers who've been victims of a certain experiment and cause terror in the city of Tokyo. They call themselves "Sphinx". The anime is an excellent thriller for a shounen. It has a strong start and gets the viewers interested. However, the main part of the story starts in the last few episodes. A couple of episodes in the middle might seem boring, but once you're done with it you'll forget about them.The anime has one of the most emotional and epic endings of any anime I've seen. This anime definitely deserves a 10/10 rating.The anime has an amazing soundtrack which gets viewers quite emotional. This anime is one of the best that came out in 2014. All those who didn't like it too much should watch the whole thing again. Those who've given this a rating of less than 8 (I know it's their opinion but...) probably didn't watch the entire series. The last 3 episodes especially, are really good (Don't get me wrong all the other episodes are really good too).
    Tweekums In the opening scene of this anime series somebody steals a quantity of plutonium from a reprocessing plant; the only clue is the word 'VON' painted on a wall. Jumping forward six months two boys who refer to each other as Nine and Twelve post a mysterious message saying that Tokyo will be blacked out at 3pm; in the message they call each other Sphinx One and Two. They set about planting bombs in a government building; here they come into bump into Lisa Mishima and tell her she will either die or become a collaborator. So begins a series of terror attacks where government infrastructure is targeted but nobody is killed. Former detective Shibazaki manages to solve their various riddle so is put on the case. He isn't the only one investigating though and it looks as though the others are going to launch fatal attacks to draw Sphinx out into the open!This animated thriller was one of the season's best series; there is a degree of mystery and both Sphinx and the police have sympathetic characters especially when we learn what drove Nine and Twelve to take the actions they do. Given that the series was directed by Shinichirō Watanabe, of 'Cowboy bebop' and 'Samurai Champloo' fame it will be of little surprise that this is a quality series; however the lack of levity may be; this isn't a funny show and it isn't meant to be. There is however plenty of tension and more than once it looks as if a key character might be killed off. Overall I'd say if you like serious, suspenseful anime you should check this out.These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
    tahirmangarah This is something rare, an anime which will potentially change the game, the anime is placed in Tokyo and the animation is pretty good fluent and sleek transition, as far as sound tack amazing. The story is amazing it has teenagers making bombs but they have a back story and it's like they have to get there goal. There is also a detective and he is retired but comes back in the game and he also has a back story. It may actually show two stories and how it will come together. One thing I live in the anime is that it uses a great amount of social networks Twitter Facebook yahoo it just shows how vast the world changes and how they can information from an instant and lastly YouTube which they post there videos and solve riddles and you can stop the bomb pretty amazing because again shows how vast and world the world has become
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