NR | 08 October 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    Xero Rex It's hands down the best spoof of the super-hero genre I've ever seen. Crackle has earned a spot on my homescreen with this show and Comedians in cars. The writing and voice acting are exceptional, and the animation is funky but impressively detailed and expressive. I just hope that it gets enough recognition and support from fans to keep going. Ten more seasons of Supermansion would be fine by me.
    dbrumley3077 OK. Give it 10 episodes and then decide before you dismiss it. It took about 3 episodes for me to get hooked, but now I want more, and I want to buy this first season on Blu-ray.The quality of the animation is very good. The inventiveness of the various heroes and villains, combined with the excellent writing, is nothing short of brilliant. The plots are involved and clever. If your like me, you will become invested in them and feel along with them their accomplishments and failures. They are certainly flawed, but in a most comical, yet believable way.As you progress through the 10 episodes, they get better and better, all the way to the final, epochal end...which is not quite an end, leaving open the possibility of a second season. I gave it 8 out of 10 because of the, for me, rather slow start, but I am so glad I stuck with it. I just hope the powers that be release this on Blu-ray so I can enjoy it non-stop.
    Christian Mander of course this will not appeal to everyonethe writing is great the delivery of the lines for an animations is stunningI watched the first episodes as i was really struggling to find something to fill a gap and i found myself in tears of laughter at this.hell even if i didn't find this funny it would rate about a 6 or 7 simply for the animation and voice actingI need a mug and T-shirt now to show my fandomI passed this around some friends of mine who i knew would appreciate this, and and low and behold it is a hit with them also
    messages-lc The Adult Swim Pilot of this series was great. Somehow, that gold got turned into garbage by Crackle.First, the jokes got more predictable.More importantly, though, they added the hackneyed Captain America character. G-d, if this schtick hadn't already been played out by Drawn Together and Stephen Colbert and American Dad, and pretty much every other hack comic of the past 10 years it might be tolerable. But the 50's traditional American hero made to look like an ignorant, jingoistic buffoon is just old and boring. Yawn.Not sure what changed between the pilot and this episode, but the new staff should be fired. Same old hackneyed crap you see everywhere.