Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross
Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross
| 12 April 1984 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    Taketsuo Southern Cross was the third series done under the 'Super Dimensional' moniker (others being Macross and Century Orguss; none of the three share common elements besides this), but failed to capture the popularity of it's predecessors, and after having seen it myself, I can understand why.For one, the mecha designs are uninspiring; there's none of the awe one would get from watching Valkyries in action, but then, most of the action takes place on ground anyway. The chosen method of transport/combat for our group of heroes is a sort of anti-grav tank that can also transform into a robot.Second, the characters are pretty two-dimensional. I concur with the other reviewer, Jeanne is what would have happened if Lynn Minmay had been a military commander. Likewise the character development is pretty ham-handed and forced.The biggest problem is the plot; the show was cancelled after only 23 episodes, and the series proceeds at it's own leisure until the last story arc which goes on at breakneck pace unlike anything before them and still fails to tie up several loose ends and plot points; we are never given an explanation to who exactly the Zor are nor are we told why they became the way they are. It's irritatingly confusing and frustrating.
    Rick Payne (macross_sd) With the coming of the Japanese bubble economy in the 80s, anime companies were given free reign to put shows on TV, regardless of quality. Souther Cross is in the middle tier of those shows. As a sci-fi actioner, it's not too bad, although it is light on the plot department. The problem comes in two areas: Plot and character development. The characters are shallow (particularly Jeanne herself, who is a pretty good indication of what would happen if Lynn Minmay were made a military commander), and their development seems forced. Key moments (such as Bowie and Musica's romance) are flubbed poorly. As for the plot, it was unsatisfying in some ways, particularly at the end of the series. There was no real exploration of who the Zor were and the subplot with the flowers was left unresolved. Hinted romances (between Marie and Charles and Lana and Lt. Brown) went nowhere, and the political machinations of the SCA's leaders were never explained. In short, approach Southern Cross as eye candy and good solid episodic sci-fi and try to forget there's a plot.
    sdf79 The Second of the Sagas, known in America as "Robotech: The Robotech Masters", that went into the Robotech series by Harmony Gold. On October 21st, of this year the Series is uncut, and in the original Japanese with English subtitles. A must see to find out what the characters are to say in actuality. No Dubbing Allowed on this trip!
    Kensu Although unjustly maligned by Americans fans who've never seen it, and virtually ignored by the Japanese ones that have, this series was one of the greatest of all time. The plot turns on one great secret that's hidden in the Zor's past, and the ending rivals that of Blake's 7 in portraying the sheer unfairness and irony of life. The animation quality, music, character, setting, plotting, and dialouge are all first rate; though it may be a little slow for those who are used to the eye candy of most 90s anime. A must for mature science fiction fans.