| 04 October 1964 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
    Blucher One of the worst movies I've ever seen
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
    studioAT Thunderbirds gets all the glory but there is a lot of fun to be had with Gerry Anderson's other puppet programme for kids and adults alike 'Stingray'.The plots are OK and we warm to the characters as they go about their adventures. It's entertaining and funny and that's great.What perhaps this show lacked that Thunderbirds had was the fact there wasn't as much depth to the characters and we never loved them in the same way we did about Lady Penelope and co.Stingray may not be the classic show that Thunderbirds was, but it's still worth hunting out on DVD.
    StuOz Of the 39 episodes, the following nine are essential viewing:The Pilot, well filmed Motion Picture TV with wonderful sets, effects, colour and music. Treasure Down Below, an episode driven by characterisation, mainly Phones and Troy getting all worked up about the treasure and taking the sub to dangerous waters, a classic! The Big Gun, wonderful colour, action and effects. The Golden Sea, good science fiction story and great effects.The Ghost Of The Sea, for once, Commander Shore gets out of the office and goes on a Stingray mission with Troy, giving this episode an Admiral Nelson/Captain Crane voyage to the bottom of the sea feel.Emergency Marineville, a wonderful special effects episode. Subterranean Sea, perhaps the best scripted science fiction episode of the series as this very colourful show enters a new sea world and the ending will put a smile on your face, a classic! Pink Ice, perhaps the second best sci-fi outing of the Stingray series, the title says it all, yes pink icebergs all over the world (including Australia!) and the effects will blow you away!.Deep Heat, more sci-fi as this wonderfully filmed adventure goes to the very bottom of the sea!
    Big Movie Fan I liked Stingray a lot. It was a great Gerry Anderson show right up there with Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet.It was quite a depressing show in a way. I don't know what it is but I find anything set underwater depressing. The bottom of the ocean doesn't look like a nice place even in real life. It was quite a gloomy show. I suppose the evil villain called Titan added to the gloom.However, just when things were getting too gloomy Troy Tempest and Phones (and the beautiful Marina) went into action in Stingray to combat Titan and his evil plans. This show was a 25 minute show which was just the right length to set up a story and action.I may be crazy saying this but as a child I found Atlanta and Marina extremely beautiful which probably added to my enjoyment of the show.
    geoffleighton Well, it was set 100 years in the future, to those of us who were kids growing up in the sixties. We had no internet, no digital technology, no VCR's or DVD's. Man hadn't even been to the moon. We had something much better. We had imaginations! Instead of playing games where the intention is to destroy the opposition, we watched shows about heroes and rescues. This was one such show, as were Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Supercar, Fireball XL5 and Joe 90. Watch them with the innocence of 60's youth and you will understand why they are so timeless. Ignore (and enjoy) the mistakes made obvious by passage of time into the real 21st Century. For this step you will need to tap the imagination I mentioned before. As a kid living in Slough, Bucks. (as it was then) I would go to APF studios with my friends. We would watch through door cracks, when we could, and we would hunt through their dumpsters. This was NOT garbage. It was a treasure trove, and we were on a treasure hunt! How I could kick myself in the ass for giving away a script, that I had once found, for the Thunderbirds episode "Give Or Take A Million" when I grew up! Besides anything else, these shows had the best explosions and the bad guys never won, even if they went on to fight another day! Damn you X2-0, the War Lord Titan, The Hood and, of course, the dreaded Mysterons! Thank you Gerry Anderson et al, your imagination fuelled my childhood dreams, and continues to entertain me today.