Star Trek Continues
Star Trek Continues
| 26 May 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Diagonaldi Very well executed
    Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
    Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    StuOz The original 1966 series lives on as if it never ended...however the actors are not the same.An amazing attempt to bring a 50 year old TV series back to life! The sets, costumes, and scores match up so well with the old show.Four words: give it a chance! The original 1966 series has been a lifelong partner to me so, at first, "Continues" bothered me because it seemed to be playing around with ideas and plots I had spent decades watching and re-watching. At first, I never liked the "Continues" cast, but after a few episodes I began to warm to them all.I have followed all the 1980s and 1990s film/TV Star Treks, love them all, I also like the new Netflix series, and after all that I think there is just enough room for one more Star Trek series: "Continues".At the time of the this review I really have only one issue with "Continues", the forced attempts at humour between Kirk/Spock/Bones. However, in time maybe even those bits will grow on me???In a nutshell: this will never be as good as the 1966 original, but it makes a pleasing very well thought out copy.
    ron-agnelo-saldanha Everything feels rights, and honestly few minutes in and most would tend to forget it's not the same cast / show! Do you usually need prescription glasses to watch TV? Take them off if you were a fan of the original because apart from the faces, there's no telling this apart!Love it!
    dbbspill Seriously, I've never even bothered to write a review before, but this series is the bees knees. At the risk of committing sacrilege, I'm going to admit that Vic Mignogna does Jim Kirk even better than William Shatner did...or at least just as perfectly. They have the essence of the series to the bone. I am so happy that they created this reboot. I wish we could get new episodes every week like we would with a commercial production, but perhaps that is part of what makes this so special. Each episode is a carefully crafted work of heart.One of the things that I love most about the series is the loving resurrection of Scotty with his son Chris Doohan. Not only is he a dead ringer, but he has the character dead to rights. Also, Todd Haberkorn brings new life to the friendship between Kirk and Spock with his deadpan Vulcan, yet incredibly human performance.Who would have thought that an Indiegogo project could produce something this wonderful?Keep it up guys!! LOVE THIS!!!
    adrianoconnor-71807 I'm going to keep this relatively short,I am normally skeptical of amateurly produced star trek or anything for that matter but the attention to detail and the atmosphere created by these episodes is fantastic.I would like to congratulate Vic Mignogna firstly on his wonderful characterisation of James T Kirk and secondly for his dedication to the production (I even noticed his name in the carpentry credits).What has been achieved here by this collective could be the beginning of something bigger than star trek TOS.If the same production values of this series are applied to another franchise then the general public can look forward to limitless episodes of their favourite series regardless of networks,advertising and commercial interests.Anyway,enough gushing,congratulations again to cast and crew and keep up the exceptional work.