Second Noah
Second Noah
| 05 February 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
    Connianatu How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    MaraudersFan This was a brilliant tv show. All the episodes were truly interesting. The family felt real, some good issues were talked about. A large one was Teen Parent hood, even though The Parents adopted Ben, you still saw Ricky struggling to do what was right for his son. I think this show could have gone several years why it was canceled with out them trying to promote the show more. I think it would have ended up among family shows like the Walton's, Growing Pains and even the still running 7th heaven. I think a lot of 7th heaven fans would have watched this show as well, they were simlar both had a lot of kids, and was about a family when all the dust is settled at the end. Obvisouly the large difference was that all of the kids the Becketts had were all adopted, excluding the child they would have had if the show had not been canceled. Of Course all the animals also made it exciting. I wish they'd at least bring the 2 season out of DVD. However its fantastic that some of the cast have gone on to do bigger and better Project the biggest probably being James Marsden .
    stephenbeasley Arian Beasley of St. Petersburg, Florida was a guest on a number of episodes of "Second Noah" and had the show continued, would no doubt have been in future episodes as they were waiting to see if they were gonna get signed for another season before they signed her. Alas, the life of an actor.....
    bucky-27 This show died of one thing. Terminal cuteness. As saccharine as they come. it was a combination of peaceable kingdom and the brady bunch. White parents adopt a CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE bunch of multi-racial kids. They all lived on a farm with a lot of odd wildlife. By the end of the one episode i watched every one was danceing and singing "Put a little love in your heart" this one should not have got off the drawing board.
    sk8ski I think that this show was cool and I wish that they hadn't taken it off the air. It was so sweet the way that Ricky took care of Ben knowing that it was really his son. Just another victim of the ratings war.