Saving Grace
Saving Grace
TV-MA | 23 July 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
    Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    neppie In the age of on-demand streaming Grace may have found an audience. I remember liking the show on TNT, only had a difficult time finding it, or at least remembering to watch. Not enough of a fan to invest in the DVD set, Netflix was ideal for catching up. It is worth watching for Holly Hunter alone. Bingeing over several weeks noticed more continuity than I'd realized. Still overall it still seemed uncertain of its direction. In the course of watching kept asking what prevented my being more enthusiastic. The premise, as far fetched as it may be, wasn't holding me back. I can forgive a lead being an angel when it is a given. I wasn't put off by the sex, violence or language, though did wonder if some wasn't contrived solely to push limits. Toward the end realized it was that collectively the characters were too exaggerated. I became annoyed with the detectives behaving like children and over-the-top office pranks. The child in the cast, Grace's nephew portrayed by Dylan Minnette, was easily most mature of them all. That's nearly as implausible as an angel among us.
    Cat Burke I've been walking a path similar to this in life... I am Grace in some ways, tough and gritty, determined and strong. My life is summed up now in those last few episodes, as Grace faces a horrible tragedy AND everything else slams into her as it's all falling apart. How, as each piece is taken - it helps her to let go of this life, helps her to see so clearly what her purpose is, without fear.A Mass Murderer came into our home, and destroyed my life in a similar way to Graces... I thank the writers, for putting something out there that is so true to MY life, if only because I NEEDED IT. That final scene, where Grace confronts EVIL? I too, am working to that day. I MUST face EVIL in the courtroom, MAKE SURE it receives the Death Penalty for the protection of all those I love, too. I thank the writers for that image I will carry with me, will GIVE ME STRENGTH when I walk into that courtroom - To see myself throwing that cigar, only in my case - it's using my words... The beauty of knowing, that after the EVIL DESTRUCTION OF EVERYTHING ELSE IN MY LIFE - I could finally be at peace if I was taken by GOD too...
    kathiw21 No point in writing what everyone else has said in these reviews. Good series. Except the last episode sucks. If you are a sucker for happy endings DON'T watch this series. What in the world was the purpose of this series only to make the last episode so upsetting? This was my first time watching Holly Hunter act and enjoyed her character a lot and the characters in her life. Surely there could have been a better way to end this series to satisfy viewers. I cheered her character on each episode as she wove her way through her life and was so hoping for a happy ending for her & Ham. Sucks, so disappointing and such a waste of time watching this.
    QSislandicus This was a really fun show to watch as Grace (Holly Hunter) and fellow detectives solved case after case each episode. Holly Hunter as Grace is one of the most life affirming / self destructive woman her age on TV. She exudes life and lives it to the fullest. The circle of friends surrounding her is endearing and touching. Co-Star Kenny Johnson as Grace's partner and sometimes lover does a fine job as an all around likable tough guy with a good heart and a high tolerance for Grace's crazy. Leon Rippy as Grace's angel named Earl grows on you with time given his enigmatic smile and unconventional "angelic" behavior smoking and drinking along with Grace and his other "cases". The deeply religious aspect to the series is tempered by its ecumenism. Earl is merely amused that each religion thinks it is the only way. The Catholic Church is given some hard core treatment as SPOILER ALERT the darkest of themes such as pedophilia are explored, but even potential anti-Catholicism is tempered by good priests and genuine and sincere Catholic believers who make up the supporting cast, including Grace's best friend. SPOILER AlERT Grace's mission to save a prison inmate in seasons one and two ends anticlimactically and without real resolution to my mind, but the series still packs a punch. The real flaws with the series begin in Season 3 as Grace is charged to redeem a highly enigmatic and even more self destructive young woman whose name is unknown for most of the series. About halfway through season 3 things begin to get a bit over the top and the writers shove far too much material into the last 8 episodes making the series bloated, sometimes incoherent and sometimes surreal. The producers received cancellation notice at that time and made the mistake of cramming far too much into the show at the halfway mark. The ending of the final episode is disappointing and poorly written. Had the last 8 episodes been written better with more restraint this could have become a cult classic.