Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
TV-Y7 | 13 August 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    sia bla Where do I even start? I love this cartoon to bits. From the top-notch animation to the awesome jokes and the BEST voice acting i've ever heard. The story is original, intriguing and well mixed with humor and action. The character designs are so good and unique and recognizable! Even the background characters are designed one by one instead of being a faceless mass. And speaking of backgrounds, this show has beautiful ones, and overall amazing color schemes. Every single character is SO good and relatable! Main characters? Villains? Secondary characters? Awesome. Every single one of them. They act and speak realistically. Tired of teenagers with the vocabulary of a linguistics major? Look no further, because in this gem right here teenagers use a made up slang that would translate into actual swears (which teens happen to say a lot) and that could slip into your talking! Seriously, just try it and you will NOT be disappointed!
    Turese Anderson The plot is pretty much what the review before me said. Randy Cunningham is a kid that is given a magic ninja suit and is tasked with being the protector of his town. He has to fight a sorcerer that turns people into monsters, a rich villain that sends robots after him, and lots of other foes. Not really spoilers since that's the whole basis of the show.The animation is really good! The color and visuals are stunning and most of the character designs are really interesting and nice (some of the monsters are a little eh, though). The design of the ninja is what got me into the show, because he does look really cool in the suit. The animation is really smooth and nice looking, especially in the intro and most of the fight scenes. However, other times it looks a little clunky and you can tell where they reused frames. In my opinion, it's one of the better flash animated shows out there.As for the dialogue, the first thing you're gonna notice is that the slang is a little... odd. All of the characters say things like "that's the cheese" or "that's so bruce" instead of 'that's so cool'. It's laughable at first, but I promise you'll get used to it! Lots of the jokes in the show are cleverly written, and there's quite a few laughs to be had.The episodes are in the 11 minute, 2 per 30 minute block format, and usually they're in the 'problem of the week' 'one adventure per episode' format, making the show fun, quick, and easy to watch on most episodes. For more serious fans, there is continuity between episodes, which a lot of other cartoons lack. Also, there's quite a few multi-episode plot arcs, most of the big ones being in the second season.Overall, I think this is a really great show, which sadly is short on viewership due to only airing on Disney XD and not getting enough advertisement. I'd recommend it to all animation fans!
    vampireknightchi I started watching this show because it was recommended to me after watching Danny Phantom due to similar hero tropes. Super fun and goofy if you're looking for a relaxing, feel good show. Of course, the fan base will provide you with anything other than that. The animation and voice acting is amazing, and the character designs were done by the same guy who did invader zim, which is really nice to see his art in different things. Jokes are both enjoyable for kids and adults with some jokes about early 90's tech and a lot of titles are jokes off of titles from other TV shows, books, movies, etc.Overall, really fun and enjoyable show for all ages!
    daniellac As a self proclaimed cartoon connoisseur, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja is one of the most wonderful cartoons currently airing on Disney. It's up there in my books with Gravity Falls, Star vs. The Forces of Evil and Steven Universe. (Spoilers ahead!)The fictional town of Norrisville has been protected by a ninja for 800 years. What nobody knows is that every four years, a freshman is chosen as the next ninja warrior to battle the forces of evil and protect the town from the sorcerer and other baddies. Randy Cunningham was chosen as the next ninja, and the show focuses on his adventures (alongside his biffer Howard Weinerman) as he learns what it means to be a ninja and all that typical hero stuff. What makes the show so different from other superhero shows is how it takes the typical hero trope and flips it on its side in a fun interpretation of a teenager trying to save a town. Randy and Howard constantly use the Ninja suit to their advantage and despite making a lot of mistakes, Randy always figures out the Nomicon's advice in the end and owns up to his mistakes. The characters aren't perfect; they're incredibly flawed which makes it all the more believable.And one of my personal favourite things about the show, aside from it's made-up slang that is kinda catchy in a weird way, is how accurately they portray high schoolers. They swear as much as a normal high schooler (but with the made up slang instead of actual swears!), they're immature and do dumb things and make mistakes which is all a part of growing up. The show is dynamic and even the background characters are constantly doing something! The bad guys are a riot and a half and aren't the same all the time, which really mixes things up for Randy!I could go on and on about how brilliant Ninja Show (as it is affectionately called) is, but to truly believe me you'd have to watch it. Some find it hard to get into but I promise you, the show gets better and better and will guarantee laughs for kids and children and adults of all gender and age! Definitely give it a watch! :D