Raised by Wolves
Raised by Wolves
| 16 March 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    amyjyoffie I love this show. It's weird and fun and I look forward to each episode. It is so funny that the daughters are named for musicians. Truthfully, I like Aretha the best. She is so laid back compared to the others. She dead pans everything. I like Grampy too. He reminds me of Michael Caine and gets into so much trouble all the time. What I am waiting to hear is how Della had all these children with nary a husband or father in sight or even mentioned. Yet, she holds it together with tough talk and her interactions with the kids. I recommend this show if you like hilarious, crazy fun. My only problem is that the captions won't sync. Anyone have an idea of how to fix them?
    motleyalice I have just watched 'Raised by Wolves' for the first time; I had been avoiding it as, coming from the Black Country myself, I was worried about how 'we' would be portrayed. However I have to say that Della in particular cracked me up - she is so typically Black Country. The accent, the language, the self-mocking - all very typical for the area.I am disappointed that it was filmed in Manchester, as Wolverhampton has a decidedly different feel and character to the towns shown on the series. You do see some shots of the city - for example Banks's Brewery, the Molineux and the ring road. It is well worth watching as an enjoyable and, if I'm honest, very good depiction of how folks from the Black Country tend to think.
    DeanP1987 I watched the first three episodes back to back and really enjoyed good funny parts in the show, won't be everyone's cup of t but but it's funny, when the little girl say's "i can do a dance for her" then starts dancing it was so funny.This show kind brings back memories of growing up in a house with a older sister who's friends was round all the time acted a lot like Germaine acts, i kind of growing up experiencing what little Wyatt has put up with it wasn't a bad life really seeing half naked friends of my sister's walking around in the summer wasn't to bad lol.I'm hoping if they do a 2nd season they extend the episodes to 40 mins a episode.
    nikkibinns1 Being a Midlands girl ,I loved this .Made me laugh from start to finish but I'm married to a Yorkshire man who didn't appreciate it as much as I did but still found it amusing .Well done to the writers .I would buy the box set without hesitation in a heartbeat. A huge pat on the back to the actresses and actors for playing a great part ... ...Jermaine....has to be my favorite. Loved it .The only criticism I would offer is ,the programme is aired for 30 minutes per week ! Would love to see more air time for this humorous coming of age comedy.This may not be every body's cup of tea but give it a try and cast your mind back to being a care free teenager or a single mum without a minutes me time and you may empathise with the characters. For me ...can't wait for the next showing ,well done to all involved .
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