Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches
| 09 March 1987 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    notjoshua I don't know how this is rated so high. The only thing I really remember about this show is how annoyed I was that they interrupted it for coverage of the Baby Jessica fiasco. Great memory 10/10.Otherwise, not very memorable. This might just be my finest review.It's my first one, so yeah. Why is there a 10 line minimum for reviews? Seems like being able to make them succinct isn't such a bad thing. Is it? You know what was even better than this show? Clarissa Explains It All. Loved that one.
    imperialist14 I first saw this show in 1986 and it became one of my favorite all time television shows. The Singing and dancing was great - especially enjoyed how they reworked the 50's and 60's tunes to reflect the actions in each episode. The girls were cute - especially important to a teenage boy (had a major crush on Bridget Michele (Diane) and Kimiko Gelman (Rose).Unfortunately, I never did get to see all 21 episodes of the show, and only was able to record four episodes on VHS in 1987 (which I have since transferred to DVD and still enjoy).Sad the show did not even last one season, but it is truly a nostalgic gem for both the 1980's and 1960's.
    mustang1-1 What a refreshing movie and series this was. My girls loved it. We couldn't wait until the next episodes.I wish there was a place to buy the TV series.I rank this right along with "That Thing You Do". 10 for family entertainment.
    P Adkins Rags to Riches was such a great idea. TV needed something a little light at the time. Aside from the facts of life, everything seemed so serious. Rose, Diane, Marva, Patty, & Mickey sang their way through problems in their lives. The drama every week included stories like, Rose & Diane fighting over the same guy, Marva opening her business, Patty going thru puberty, & Mickey stuggling to sell girl scout cookies. Unfortunantly NBC wrote in tv guide that the show was to expensive to keep on. After 3 movies & two season-run it came to an end. I am so glad I managed to tape the movie, along with a few episodes, & my favorite two hour movie "rags to riches in vegas."
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