Queer As Folk
Queer As Folk
TV-MA | 03 December 2000 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
    Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
    shalsea Even if i would have loved the show being a excellent LGBT portrait, let's admit first that it's only a gay show.From this point, it is not lying to say that Queer as Folk US gives us an entry to the single life of gay people, shallow and superficial. At first, this was not convincing to me but after a few episodes, i got attached to characters.Then it became clear that all behaviors get some kind of explanations at some point, letting us the choice to believe the characters' intentions and allowing us to relate in a better way to them.The last two seasons go deeper by showing more "serious" issues gay encounter in their life. And i have to admit that this change was for the better.Watching this show now and in a week, knowing all the changes (apps for example) in the gay life, the problems and joys you find in it, you may experience for real. This is why i love this show : because it's accurate at many points.
    Marc Lawrence It was a different world when this show started around 2000. Hate and discrimination against the LGBT community was in full force. There was no same sex marriage, at least in the US. Now it's the law throughout the entire US.I have to call QAF "Brave" and "Breakthrough" because it was the first TV show to feature a cast of LGBT people as the main characters. Hopefully this helped educate people and played a role in the advancements of civil rights for the LGBT community.I'd love to watch all the original shows unedited! I'd love it even more if a new QAF launched, set in the world of 2015 and beyond.
    Sandwiches McGee From the first episode this show had my attention. Even though the music is different, I am thankful that it streams on Netflix. I could not watch just one at a time. It holds intriguing characters, captivating love stories, and bold story lines. Some issues being brought up were real eye- openers to straight people. I have never felt this way about a TV show before. Nor have I ever binge watched a TV show so vigorously. I recommend this to everyone. It is not to be missed. I am hoping they end up filming a reunion. I would like to see what they would do with these characters 10 years later, and with all the changes (positive, and negative) within the LGBT community. Do yourself a favor, and watch Queer as Folk.
    Derela LI I have complete watching all the five seasons and I will watch it once again. It's like an addiction and I could not stop it.That's why I registered and wrote review. This is a perfect TV play. I know it's like fairytale and that's why I love it. Thanks to all the cast and the staff. We could enjoy it without their hard work. I want to say special thanks to Gale Harold and Randy Harrison who bring life to Brian and Justin. It seems that they are Brian and Justin. I was so involved in the show and I laughed when they were happy and cried when they were sad. This TV show taught me a lot of things, like the circumstance of gay and lesbians, what they are going through, what is real friendship, how to judge good from bad. The most important part I learn is how to love and how to be loved. When I watched the show, it always reminded me my first love, it was beautiful and romantic. I love the screenplay and the feelings between Brian and Justin are stronger and stronger along the show goes.Each scene for me is classic and I could remember so many several scenes, when the two kissed, loved, quarreled and be back together. I believe every one had make great contribution to this.Maybe Gale and Randy will read some reviews. I want to say you two did a marvelous job.Gale,thanks to you for creating such a sharp Brian, like Justin said, we saw the face of God. Randy, you are so cute from the very beginning to the very last episode. You are the Sunshine.Your laugh can cure everything. I love you two.