Portrait of a Marriage
Portrait of a Marriage
| 19 September 1990 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
    MzBreezy12 *spoilers*I for one don't know much about the true story. I did some what enjoyed the film. Here's a few things I have noticed;1. The bravery of them being together was interesting. 2. The rape scene was weird because they don't talk about it after. 3. Vita was abusive and I didn't think that was right. 4. Violets character seemed so immature at times. Always shaking.5. She didn't seem like she would sleep with Denys but I guess she did?6. But why would Vita get that mad (though she did lie to her if she did)? 7. Started not to like Vita and her double standards character. 8. It's weird her(Vita's) son wrote about it. Of course I want them to stay together so maybe that's why I'm upset they ended such a passionate relationship.Otherwise it did keep me interested. It was quite long and some scenes were drawn out. Amazing actors and actresses.
    Syl Vita Sackville-West and Sir Harold Nicholson were married for more than 50 years and the parents of Benedict and Nigel Nicholson MBE, OBE, who wrote about his parents' unusual marriage in a very loving way. Both Vita and Harold had homosexual relationships on the side but it was Vita's relationship with childhood friend, Violet Keppel Trefuses who by the way is related to Camilla Parker-Bowles distantly that nearly threatened Vita and Harold's marriage. Marriage is an institution which produced two fine sons. The actress, Janet McTeer, who plays Vita does a superb job and memorable. Violet is played by Cathryn Harrison who I believe is Sir Rex Harrison's daughter or relative. Anyway the acting is sensational and it was quite revolutionary for it's time on television during Masterpiece Theater. Harold and Vita's marriage may have been quite unconventional by it's unusual circumstances but they stayed together. They built Sissinghurst Castle in Kent, England. Vita wrote a beautiful poem about her love for Harold. Now regardless that their union had outside lovers like Violet and Virginia Woolfe. They always returned to each other for comfort, companionship, and conversation. No, this marriage probably wouldn't survive today because there is just too much focus on sex completing a marriage. For those of us who know better, sex does not complete the marriage but enhance it. THe sexual desires of Vita and Harold may have been toward their own sex but they returned to each other every time. A successful marriage is based on being able to turn to the one you love, trust, and need in your most desperate time. Nigel wrote a loving book about his parents' unconventional marriage but he wrote that they still loved each other and returned to each other from their infidelities every time even with Violet Keppel.
    napseptember Watched this TV movie way back in Stockholm, Sweden in 1991. I would not have believed it could happen in real life, if it had been a fiction, but it is not. It set me wondering for a bit. I like it a lot, though. The portrayal of Vita Sackville -West by Janet McTeer was very convincing , almost real, while Cathryn Harrison's portrayal of Violet Trefusis was interesting. The whole episode was truly heartbreaking and showed the complexities of the characters involved. Credit be given to Penelope Mortimer for the screenplay and the director Stephen Whittaker. The movie was also rather successful in capturing the scenes and the social stratification of England and France of the early 20th.century.
    northcdn This was such a good mini-series that it surprises me that it's never been on again!Based on the biography by Nigel Nicolson, it tells the true story of the marriage of his parents, Harold Nicolson and the author Vita Sackville-West, who carried on a long-term passionate love affair with Violet Keppel Trefusis. It is an absolutely convincing portrayal of a marriage that, although between two people who found most of their sexual release in homosexual contacts, was a loving partnership that far surpassed many conventional marriages. Janet McTeer is, of course, amazing and the scene between her and Cathryn Harrison (who plays Violet) when their relationship dissolves due to Violet's impending marriage is heart-breaking.Well worth watching - a very interesting story of an unconventional relationship. Now if only they would show it again!