Over There
Over There
TV-MA | 13 November 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    ktrader1 I am enjoying the show. Is it great Television no, then again it's better than a lot of TV shows to choose from.Both my brothers fought in Iraq. I know people who remind me of the characters in the show. From the soldiers to the wives, to the idiots.Is this a window into the struggles of the Families that where affected by the War in Iraq, quite possibly.When I watch the show I see this young kid that works with me. He was there it wasn't pretty. He was blown up by an IED and is deaf in one ear.So in some aspects the show has successfully done exactly what the writers wanted to achieve. For that I give it seven stars."Stuff Happens, People Die"
    Dondi0 Got lent this as a box-set by a friend after I lent them Generation Kill. They definitely got the better deal. The characters are paper thin cut-outs of the modern military movie mould plodding through the same old predictable arcs. The dialogue is clunky and clichéd and is either perfunctorily expositional or feels as though the writer's are simply making trite speeches via the mouths of their characters. The action sequences feel cheap and fake, are poorly directed and edited. They rely heavily on erratic fast zooms, whip-pans and student style post-production effects in a laughably dated attempt to feel hip. I don't know where this was filmed but it looks more like the Californian desert than Iraq. Also there is barely any actual dramatic tension.The whole thing is as mawkish as it's overly literal syrup-rock closing credits theme song.To paraphrase a previous poster Generation Kill literally kills this stone dead and I bet it cost less to make too. Admittedly Generation Kill is a lot more demanding of it's audience but the rewards are ten-fold. It actually attempts to take an objective view of the Iraq situation whereas Over There has a very pro-American subtext barely covered by a thin veneer of apparent objectivity. The structure, language, casting, performances, plot, direction, action humour and dialogue in Generation Kill are all superlative and make Over There look as dramatically dated as an episode of E.R. Goes to Iraq.You can buy the complete run of Generation Kill for 15 quid on Amazon right now. Cheap at twice the price.
    will nope OK first i would like to say that i love this show i bought the only season on DVD,as for the political aspect of the show i don't care, last i knew it was freedom of speech,so why did the show get canned..? if a show brings reality into your living room and you don't like it then change the channel or turn your TV off,i for one like reality and what the show was Showing us as far as the what the military was doing, i know that its not all real but think many people could not distinguish the two, my point is that there are a lot worse shows on TV now why are they still on ? is it because they don't have an impact on real life issues? do you think the government has to much to say about our rights as a nation and what we can and cannot watch i do. peace lostinboston
    simonpark This program first aired in the Uk about April last year (2006) and i sat down with a few friends, one of which was a major in the British army another is a TA officer (Uk equivalent of the national guard) who served in Iraq during the initial invasion. All three of us had high hopes for the series having been impressed by the adverts we had seen on TV however the first action scene which takes place behind a large mound was so comical all three of us couldn't help laughing, they where only getting shot at from one direction and where barely outnumbered and not even out gunned yet they are behaving like they are all about to die! The acting is over the top and frankly awful, neither one of my friends with combined army experience of over 20 years who experienced both gulf wars had ever experienced moments when their troops had lost their heads at all during combat, no where near as much as the characters in this show where! These are meant to be professional soldiers and if this is something to judge the whole of the U.S. army on its no wonder we're getting no-where in Iraq! So in conclusion this show is cringe-worthy at best so if you want a decent war drama steer well clear of this one!