TV-MA | 03 June 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    HeadlinesExotic Boring
    Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
    Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
    cmidnightsky I can barely remember how season 1 ended after it went from creepy to absolutely ridiculous. I was shocked to hear it got renewed. So far season 2 is so slow it's like taking a Dramamine/Benadryl cocktail. My husband will be watching on his own.
    Amir H Faiz this was a pretty good series story wise with amazing special effects you don't expect from a fox series the concept was a little out of the box which is pretty dope considering most of all horror and thriller based show nowadays are cop shows ex: Lucifer which sucks but this is pretty left field and the first episode will make you consider watching the whole season because it is addictive overall I rate this series was pretty good it had a better start than kirkman's other show the walking dead
    moviesexpert On the whole, this TV show is average at best.Until the 8th episode that is, where anyone with two brain cells could see that this TV show is nothing more than satanist propaganda. Because here's the twist of this show: demons are actually a good thing. Never mind that they're the embodiment of evil and that our civilization would quickly collapse with the spread of satanist ideas. In Outcast, humans are bad and demons are good. Don't believe me? Here are a few examples from the show: _A guy who was possessed describes the experience of being possessed as a good warmth that he felt in his body and thus, he would not be willing anymore to warn people of the evilness of demons _A man falls in love again with his wife just because she's been possessed and has become "rejuvenated" by that _The main villain is a demon that is actually better than the human he haunts because the human used to keep a kid as a prisoner and once he's possessed, he frees the kid. _The reverend is a symbol of Christianity in the show: humiliated, insulted, it is demonstrated that he's completely useless and laughable in the face of demons, his exorcisms are epic fails etc...Stay away folks. I'm not even a Christian, I'm an agnostic, I like science more than religions but you don't have to be a genius to know that satanist ideas are by definition very bad. And this show is a not-so-subtle propaganda for satanism. And look up satanism if you don't believe me, it is more widespread than you think. Recentlly, the biggest church of Satan yet has opened its doors in the united states. I'm not a puritan but this is a totally disgusting propaganda.
    Ryan The more I watch Robert Kirkman's out cast the more intrigue it brings out in me. Rare is it to find such a show that is truly unpredictable. Modern television shows are often extremely entertaining and yet predictable. Shows such as Grimm (which I love for other reasons) and the effects that are used great, acting great the premise of the show is excellent, and yet it can be predictable. This does not apply to Outcast. It has a very unique and dark atmosphere which creates and eerie sense of fear in the viewer. Often this created by facial expressions and music. However it is difficult to identify what creates this sense of suspense. However it is clear that is is the purpose of the writers to do so. This aspect of Outcast is something that very few shows can match.It is clear however that Outcast is in it's first season. The story is progressing slowly and for some this will be frustrating. This does reinforce the atmosphere of the show however. Although moving slowly, the story and plot is extremely intriguing and hence, Outcast is a show that should not be overlooked. The writers will continue to determine the direction of the show and as this happens the show will likely become great.
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