One Summer
One Summer
| 07 August 1983 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    stefandrgs Unfortunately I've only seen the series on a DVD borrowed from British Coouncil. It's a great mini series, they don't produce this any more. It's a pity that Willy Russell doesn't write anymore. I'm only rating 9 and not 10 because of the image quality. Unfortunately I've only seen the series on a DVD borrowed from British Coouncil. It's a great mini series, they don't produce this any more. It's a pity that Willy Russell doesn't write anymore. I'm only rating 9 and not 10 because of the image quality. Unfortunately I've only seen the series on a DVD borrowed from British Coouncil. It's a great mini series, they don't produce this any more. It's a pity that Willy Russell doesn't write anymore. I'm only rating 9 and not 10 because of the image quality.
    hidden_shallows I've just finished watching this on DVD for the first time since it was aired in 1983, when it had a huge impact on me as a twelve year old growing up in Thatcherite Britain. Certain parts of it I remembered clearly and certain parts I didn't, but I was amazed at how much this TV drama was ingrained on my psyche and yes, it's just as good as I remembered it.It tells the story of the adventures of two Liverpool lads, Billy and Icky, who steal some money and head off to Wales because one of them remembers having had a good time at a camp out there and how they are befriended and helped by a recluse called Kidder. All three of leads have dark pasts and the main theme of the story is how no matter how hard you try and how far you run, you can't escape your past.Excellent performances, haunting and memorable music and a heart-breaking story add up to a truly recommended 250 minutes.
    Jonathan Hume One Summer was one of the best TV drama's I had the pleasure of watching. As a Young 1980's teenager lad myself, I felt empathy for the characters. Going to school, summer camp, peer problems, teenage angst. I had it, they had it. Their problems were mine. (albeit without their violent moments and the illiteracy). I saw the series twice in full. Once in 1983 when it first aired, then again the following year. Alas, I never saw it again, and since reaching adulthood, I have been trying to find it. Partly I think to relive my youth, but also to recapture the emotional feelings it left me with. The humour, sadness and the graphic images live with me to this day. Tattooed into my memory bank, never to be erased. Dramas of this calibre do not come along too often. Some come and go without a second thought. Not this one. This was wonderful in its writing and acting. Why it has never been shown again (to my knowledge), remains a mystery. This would be a repeat I'd watch again and again.
    Caitlin This 5 part coming-of-age drama had a profound affect on me as a teenager. It was the first screen appearance of David Morrissey, who has since gone on to a fair level of screen success both in the UK and US. Also appearing as the troubled Icky was the brilliant Spencer Leigh, who unfortunately has not had the same success and appears to have appeared in very little since, and nothing in the last 10 years... I can still hum the haunting harmonica theme by Alan Parker.