My Three Sons
My Three Sons
TV-PG | 29 September 1960 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    Syl It has a great cast like Fred MacMurray who was a movie star in the golden age. He played a single father of three sons. The show had a long run of twelve seasons which is unheard even now. The cast remained solid and the writing was fine. I grew up on the syndication series. I found the show sometimes to lose my interest. But those days of my childhood, comedy series like this were shown to us daily. The show also featured one of my favorites, William Frawley, who is best remembered as Fred Mertz from "I Love Lucy." The sons including Don Grady did a fantastic job. While the show might seem dated, it's still relevant today. Beverly Garland was one of my favorites.
    rekolde "My Three Sons" is a show of the same happy-family caliber as "Brady Bunch". and yet it is a milder, gentler show, always portraying the nuclear family unit as warm, loving, supportive, and well-wishing. not a thing is wrong with seeing a family--albeit lacking in motherly figures until the last season or two--look out for each other's best interests, show respect for parental and grandparental figures, and treat everyone with kindness, giving the benefit of the doubt to all. remember how the elderly uncles are incorporated into the family and participate in meaningful ways? look at how uncle Charlie could cook. remember how Ernie is adopted along the way as a son? so lovely. much later in the series when widower dad Steve finally remarries, a daughter is adopted into the family, and is treated respectfully by her much elder new brothers. (think how late teens and early twenties persons look to a seven year old.) do we not value respectful, obedient behavior toward our parents and caregivers and authorities? then this show holds up, despite all the changes the household goes through--as any household is apt to have in twelve years of life. lovely, lovely.
    operabuff67 My Three Sons started out as a nice, enjoyable show, but ran way too long. It should have ended while it was still ahead. The beginning of the end came when the family moved from Bryant (or was it Briant) Park and went to California. It might have been all right if the family number had stayed at five. But then all these characters kept being added. Rob got married, and then had triplets. (Come on. Did Rob really need three kids? Wouldn't one have done just as nicely?) Then Chip got married. (If the show had lasted any longer, I'm sure Ernie would have gotten married, too.) I finally stopped watching the show when Steve got married to a woman with a daughter. All these characters for a half-hour sitcom? I was getting dizzy! Tim Considine had the right idea when he left when he did. But that's another thing that made me mad. His character was never mentioned again, like he never existed. They could have at least had an occasional letter from him, like Adam in Bonanza. A show that started off good was beaten into the ground. How very sad!
    copilotdedog There have been many wonderful shows, but My Three Sons have to be one of the best. Fred MacMurray, did such a wonderful job as the father in this show. When had those special scenes in which he was advising his kids or explaining something to them, he would come across as someone who was caring and very attached to his kids. I know some fathers in this world who have trouble at being interested let alone caring.Today, this show might seem dated, but there is a lot we can gain from watching this show. The ideas of making a family that will work together and see things through, is a good example of one thing that we can gain from this. Television today doesn't have very many shows that will show a family working together as a unit.Hopefully someday, we will see this show on DVD, and have it start from the beginning episode in season one. I think there is a lot we can get from this show.