My Super Sweet 16
My Super Sweet 16
| 18 January 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Daniel Steel I've seen some bad shows in my time, but this... this show takes the cake. It is possibly the trashiest shows I've ever had the misfortune of viewing. I don't give out 1 stars often, in fact, this is the fist 1 star I've ever given. Personally, I think the only people who could possibly like this show are rich, stuck-up, snobby, shallow brats, just like the stars of this show. While watching 'My Super Sweet 16', one starts to wonder what the creators were smoking when they thought of this show, and why anyone would put them self through the pain of watching this poor excuse for television is beyond me. Now, to my main problem with this show, how could this possibly count as 'music television'? does anyone remember when MTV wasn't full of shows that couldn't be any less about music if they tried? The worse part of the show are the birthday girls, if the slight possibility of the party being too expensive and it having to be made cheaper arises, even though it is still 10 times more than most people could afford, they cry a bloody river until they get their way. In conclusion this show is a MUST avoid, and if you're a tad curious, watch 5 minutes of this show, if you manage to last that long without wanting to gouge your own eyes out that is...
    cute-kid-10 WOW! I have never ever seen such spoilt brats like these girls. Don't their parents do anything about it? And they are only child's so they don't know what it is like to have the attention on other people i think. This show totally disappointed me. That is what is wrong with the world, people like those girl think they are large and in charge because their parents are super-rich and own a couple cars and a pool. They think that the world revolves around them (as a matter of fact it revolves around the sun!) and it is just annoying. Why do they have to act so B*t*y? Those girls AND their parents deserve a big a** kicking!! From everyone on the earth!! This show just shows how awful people can get. I am glad that there ARE some people in the world who are not self centred and so selfish. People like the people i know, not the people i see on My Super Sweet 16. It is quite weird how everything just gets better by the end of the party! This show just annoys me so much! Cant they have just a little small party or go to a restaurant? NO they have to make a name of themselves. I hope they will get taught a life lesson!!
    W L Simply put, this show can be summarized in these short examples: DAD, YOU DIDN'T GET JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE TO PERFORM AT MY PARTY? WAHHHH!!!! YOU ONLY RENTED A 45 ROOM MANSION FOR MY PARTY? I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN!! WAHHH!!! A LEXUS SUV????? I WANTED A LEXUS CONVERTIBLE SPORTS CAR!! WHY DO YOU HATE ME MOM AND DAD!!! WAHHHH! WHY WON'T YOU GET ME A DRESS LACED WITH 1/10 KARAT GOLD THREADING AND OUTLINED IN DIAMONDS AND EMERALDS???? MY PARTY WILL BE RUINED! WAHHH!!"My Super Sweet 16" is basically 30 minutes of nothing but that. No matter how much money is spent on their 16th Birthday Party, the person turning 16 will complain.What is so special about turning 16 anyway? I remember my 16th birthday. I only had a get together with my close friends at my house. That was it. And the presents I got? Not much. Some money from relatives, a video game or two, and some other minor things. I didn't get a car, I had to pay for mine straight up with money I earned. So basically, if I got 1% of the stuff these kids get in "My Super Sweet 16" I would be very grateful.This show could have been something. MTV could have had this show revolve around 15 year olds from unpriveledged families and/or areas of the country who otherwise would not have had enough resources/money to throw a decent 16th birthday party. But instead, MTV decides to have the show revolve around extremely privileged and rich kids; whose parents probably make 6 figure incomes; and live in upscale, high end neighborhoods; in houses which the real estate value is probably over 1 million dollars. It's a real shame, because these kids are very ungrateful, even though their family has more money than just about most other families in the entire world.These kids will likely never understand what its like to be unpriveledged and have to earn or work for something. Instead, they will just cry to mommy and daddy whenever they want something and they will get it. And once they turn 18 and leave for college(which their parents will likely pay for all), they will just continue to live off of some trust fund for the rest of their lives without having to earn anything.The most telling thing about my review is that I am a conservative republican who gets tired of people complaining about the rich people in our country and think that the wealth should be spread around. I feel that rich people are rich because they work hard. With all that being said, I am still disgusted by the people and money spending in this show.This is a bad show. Only watch if you want to watch spoiled 15 year olds cry, kick, whine, moan, and make total fools of themselves, so you can feel good about yourself not being on the low level these kids are.MTV, Drugs, and Alcohol - The 3 brain rotting resources in the world
    wowimfamous regular teens? What normal teenager wants to watch or even cares about some spoilt brat who they have nothing common with screaming and shouting until they get their own way? MTV has started featuring the children of celebrities now as well. So not only do you have to be filthy rich to even have a chance of appearing on the show, you also need to have a famous singer or sport star for a parent. Its just a slap in the face for normal, respectful teenagers and their hardworking parents who would love to give their child a party to remember but don't have the money or the connections. MTV is also sending out the wrong messages with this programme. That everything is better if you have more money. They should start showing normal families who maybe only have a few thousand dollars saved up for their kid's sweet 16, and how even though they had a limited budget, it was still a night to remember. It would give the show a kind of feel-good quality, instead of all out greed and inconsideration.