Mr. Young
Mr. Young
TV-Y7 | 01 March 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    hellofromundertheappletree This is a very odd show and slightly disturbing at times but has an addictive nature to it. First off this is not a politically correct show and should be realized that it can be slightly racist sometimes. And cuts off at the oddest points. Sometimes you expect the story to continue but the show just ends. Now the odd part is when the principal somehow survives getting buried alive at the end of an episode? Anyways despite its quirks I found I loved this show due to Gig Morton's humor and Adam and echo's relationship (which I believe COULD have been done better but it is what it is) I have to say I would love to see a reboot of this hidden jem but with better writing and some as perfect for the role actors
    mountainhiker-27522 What to say. This show has made me laugh since joke one. Its swift, fit for those not expecting to laugh and crack up seriously with every passing bar-moment of its comedy. Those who don't like this show, your definitely entitled to an opinion; but so am I and I give this show ten thumbs up. I was entertained for most episodes and believe the plot, humour, and comedic climax well-balanced. If your a potential-viewer be aware of tremendous laughs ahead, clever jokes meant for older kids, teens and definitely "been-there" adults. The dialogue is well-revised. The jokes bounce back well. Every character possesses an image of humour; and we can tell they've been well-drafted during casting. One of "the" best shows I've seen from Disney. Thank you. !
    Showtime2345 *** MODERATE SPOILERS ***Dan Singer's failure, "Mr. Young", is proof that kids shows are getting worse. First of, why is Dan obsessed with child prodigies? He is a creator of this, and "A.N.T Farm" which are about child prodigies, WHEN IS DAN GOING TO REALISE THAT THIS CONCEPT JUST DOES NOT WORK! WHY WOULD YOU CREATE A SHOW THAT ENVOLVES AROUND A TEENAGE BOY THAT IS A TEACHER? It's idiotic! Adam(a.k.a Mr. Young) is very creepy, his friend is bland, his love interest, Echo(???) is cliché and just idiotic, the bully is even more cliché. The story lines, like "A.N.T Farm", are garbage, but even worse than A.N.T Farm's! The humor is very dull, and it is so dull to the point I sometimes think that this show is meant to be unfunny. The dialog and the script is cliché and garbage. Another example why Disney XD is on the rocks. If you like shows that have plot holes like the size of USA, than this show is for you, and by this I don't mean to offend anyone.0.0/10 (Stupid plot, garbage story lines, bland and clichéd characters, dull and unfunny jokes and clichéd and garbage dialog and script)Worst sitcom to air on Disney XD!
    taylortillytally How is this doing so well? When I first started watching Mr. Young, I was hoping for a new show that I could laugh at when I had time, but instead I found this show to be humourless and uncreative. First of all, the plot has been done before so many times, and they did not do anything to make this show better or stand out from the others.Mr. Young is about a boy who is so smart that he has already finished University and has become a teacher. The big twist is that he is the same age as all his students. He is reunited with his childhood friend at that school and of course, ( so cliché) forms a crush on one of his students who has one of the most awful names I've ever heard.. Echo. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD NAME THEIR DAUGHTER ECHO!? I could go on and on mentioning these generic characters, but I wont.The jokes in this show have all been done before, and they are just down right stupid. I cant stress enough how bad this show is, and if you actually find this watchable, you probably have no taste whatsoever.