Mr. Show with Bob and David
Mr. Show with Bob and David
TV-MA | 03 November 1995 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
    Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
    Wooooo_Bananas Mr. Show, that alone will cause three reactions: 1. I love that show, 2. I hate that show or 3. Is he that old guy down the street that leaves the Christmas decorations up all year?, does it miss the mark, yes at times (*cough*season 4*cough*) but what comedy doesn't, and on the subject of the humour in this show the term "alternative experimental comedy" can be used as the best description while "flapperjack boogie-board" isn't but the fact that no other show before or after Mr. Show has quite got the true grasp of televisions power down is a true testament to the brilliance and non-mainstream appeal, just don't watch season 4 first because that is utter not-quite-as-good-as-season-1,2,3ness and make sure to use the power of IMDb to check out the other David Cross and/or Bob Odenkirk related pieces (except The Ben Stiller show...unless you can tolerate Andy Dick)
    streetcarp024 I'm glad that HBO decided to put this out on DVD. I have bought season 4 and i have seen the other three seasons already and i think this show is really underrated. Bob Odenkirk is a genius and has been writing behind the scenes of shows for overtly too long. This show is a living testament to his superbly fun sense of humor. Any old-school SNL fans will love this series. I'm glad that HBO decided to put this out on DVD.HBO's dramas like the Soprano's, Oz, and the Wire, hog the limelight when viewers think Mr. Show is an advertisement for something in between movies. Mr. Show's blend of on-stage performances with pretaped material is revolutionary and will most undoubtedly be copied for generations to come. I have yet to see any other show do what Mr. Show does flawlessly.
    thepayman You could write a book on "Mr. Show", but not just because it was funny. It's hilarious, but it's also brilliant. Some people don't like it, and that's because smart comedy is hard to take. "Mr. Show" held a mirror up to the audience and it forced us to stare deeply into the TV screen and observe our own reflections. The writing was flawless and every line served a purpose. I've been a fan for a few years and I still watch episodes and catch jokes and references that I didn't catch before. I recommend this to anyone who's craving quality comedy, for anyone who's tired of SNL and MadTV. SNL is a joke now, though on a side note, I'll say that I think Fred Armison and Will Forte might carry the show for a while, Jimmy Fallon is extremely over-rated. Watch Mr. Show, Season 3 is coming out on DVD in August.
    CRISTOBAL777 This show is the smartest, funniest, most original product that HBO has ever broadcast. It is unbelieveable that only four seasons were shot. Once in a while, at 4 a.m., you can see it on HBO. Bob and David are two of the funniest guys not to be seen on television, or anywhere for that matter. David Cross is the best stand-up comic in America. I put him in the same category as Pryor and Carlin. Purchase Cross' latest comedy album 'Shut Up You F**king Baby' and tell me if Im wrong.