TV-14 | 22 October 1988 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
    Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
    Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
    Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    huutheheckcares I've been an aficionado of science fiction most of my life both written, TV shows, and movies and I have given this series a 10 for frankly having some of the best shows overall. Have been "blown away" from some of the shows not only from some very well done creature effects, but even more so from the stories themselves. As rarely happens the stories are on a par with written sci-fi short stories. Haven't seen all the episodes, but two in particular stand out - The Offering and The Outpost, the latter being especially touching at the end. Good acting too in many episodes. Overall even surpasses one of my favorites - the original Outer Limits. This show could have been named "The Outer Limits II".
    seanwallac-1 An excellent TV series that should be captured on DVD. This was a show I rarely missed. I found a petition to bring it back on DVD. I recall one show where this obese lady wore a pair of glasses that let her food talk to her. Needless to say she could not eat her friends so she starved to death. Another episode had an accountant visiting an underground sewer & subway security branch. The accountant wanted to shut down the funding for the project. As it turns out the security branch was underfunded to fight the cannibalistic creatures that lived in the dark.
    uboat96 I loved Monsters! Everyone in my family thought I was weird. I know they thought it but they wouldn't say it. Monsters was just a great low-budget, third-rate show but it never let me down. The plots were very silly at times. For example, I remember one about a human-eating bed!!! What were these writers thinking?? Now and then I check out the sci-fi channel to see if they could re-start showing the re-runs but unfortunately no such luck. Someone email me if they know what channels are running re-runs please...
    christopheles I caught this show on Sci-Fi a few times a several years ago and was very surprised that it wasn't half bad. If I remember correctly they usually had twist endings a la Tales from the Crypt which I genuinely love. I'm having trouble remembering specifics about the plots to the episodes I saw but I think they usually had a way of showing that the real monsters were ordinary people who did horrible things, pretty cheesy and predictable but entertaining nonetheless. One show, however, sticks with me years later, an adaptation of the Stephen King story "The Crawling Finger". Its about a guy who, for no real reason as is frequently the case in King's short fiction, finds a finger coming out of his bathroom sink drain. He tries several different ways to dispose of the finger, learning along the way that a) it takes a very, very long finger to make the journey through the pipes and into his sink, and b) there are five fingers on a hand. It was truly creepy and made the story that much better since I actually got to see how disturbing having an alien appendage coming out of one's plumbing would be.