Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
| 24 February 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    privatepracticedoc My husband and I are watching Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries for the second time around and really enjoying it.One of the reasons I am writing this review is that several people have written that there are no major male characters in the series. I beg to differ. While it is true there are two female leads, Phryne and Dot; there are also five male major characters: Inspector Jack Robinson, Constable, Hugh Collins, Mr. Butler, Ces, and Bert.The program itself is just stunning. Everything from the setting, Pharynx's house, her wardrobe, and her personality; attractive, flirty, sassy, intelligent, inquisitive, and just determined is a delight. The chemistry between her and Jack Robinson sizzles and one can only hope it grows and grows.As far as Dot, her chemistry with Constable Collins and their difficulties can be frustrating to watch. But it is interesting to see them work out these problems. Yes, many of the cases Phryne works on seem improbable. And her methods are unorthodox as she, at times, forces her way in. But it is all very entertaining. Phryne's detecting methods are a bit reminiscent of Colombo in the way she gathers evidence. Great series, My husband and I are looking forward to a fourth season.
    jimmullinaux This delightful and entertaining mystery drama made its debut on Australia's ABC-TV in 2012. Based on Kerry Greenwood's novels, the series follows the adventures of Phryne Fisher, a 1920's English heiress, and her devoted companion, Dorothy. Essie Davis is marvelous as the self-assured and free-thinking Phryne, who engages merrily in a number of torrid one- night affairs when she's not otherwise solving murders. While all the production values are generally excellent, the standout feature must be Phryne's stunning wardrobe. It is said her costumes have inspired numerous 1920s look-alike parties. If you enjoy good mysteries in stylish settings with colorful characters aplenty, then this clever series will surely satisfy. My wife and I have watched this series many times and have discovered something new and entertaining with each viewing. Highly recommended!
    admatha-767-524200 I heard this touted as a great show with a great heroine, and ... well, I sort of agree. It's "all right" as far as having a strong heroine goes, but I admit to being disappointed when they went the romance route with Phryne and Jack instead of a solid friendship. It's such an overdone route, and undermines everything that delighted me about Phryne to begin with - her frank enjoyment of sex, singlehood, and being an independent woman in a time when women were still expected to give up working when they got married. I much preferred having a 20s female James Bond type of character, who bedded men involved with the case, and solved the cases stylishly and coolly. It would have been a much fresher and more unique take on a "lady detective" than what actually happens. Also, now they have to find ways to drag it out, which just means continual irritating side stories taking time away from the main story of each episode - Jack's jealousy, Jack's ex-wife, etc., etc.I also didn't really enjoy the ongoing background stories much. Being filmed as short individual stories, I think they should have been kept as short individual stories. The longer ones just cut in and out too sloppily. Jane, for instance, is adopted, and then only ever seen again when she's useful to the story. This makes Phryne come off as selfish in the worst way, taking in a kid that she then ships off to school and never has anything to do with except when she's needed for a case. The child killer story and Phryne's father's story, like Jane, dropped in and out of each episode if and when necessary, but dropped out again a moment later. And frequently this was combined with cutting straight from solving a brutal, vicious murder to Phryne throwing yet another party. Again, makes Phryne (and co) come off as heartless.AND YET despite this, I loved it, believe it or not. Every regular character is a delight, and for each instance of the issues above, there were plenty of instances of fantastically enjoyable story, dialogue, action, etc. I love that Phryne frequently saves herself during a situation of her vs. villain, with Jack bursting in only in time to see her dusting herself off and waiting for him to make the 'official' arrest. I love their friendship. I LOVE the evolution of the relationship between Dot and Hugh, which is a much more satisfactory relationship than Jack and Phryne's. I love Bert and Cec, Mr. Butler, Mac, and good god, I adore Aunt Prudence, who is one of the delightful frequent recurrences in the series, and who dances on the line between "likeable" and "unlikeable" with style and grace, never falling definitely on either side.I also really enjoy the modern issues that show up - including but absolutely not limited to transgenderism, gay and lesbian relationships, various disabilities, and Phryne's attitude toward them all goes a long way to highlighting how despicable attitudes toward them were then, and how despicable they still are now. It's never awkward or forced, it just is a part of the people's lives and they are parts that Phryne accepts them as who they are. I'm not describing it well, but I feel it needs to be acknowledged as a very good thing.
    Absalom1991 I am surprised at the applause this shabby, smarmy, self-congratulatory show received from reviewers here. The writing is lazy, the characters mere stock, the performances sophomoric, the too-theatrical clothes ill-fitting (except for the star's), and the plots tediously predictable and uncreative, as well as plain dumb. Claims that there is wit in the series obviously came from someone for whom the term is a stranger.Apparently this is what is considered a "woman's show," meaning if they stuff it with enough hats and male-victimized ladies who also behave a in crudely "worldly" fashion they don't think they need to bother with actual qualities of merit. If I were a woman I would be offended at the sham. As a man I can add that I do not appreciate being slapped across the face by faux sexism every five minutes. Emasculation as a constant theme is tedious. The smug and humorless silliness starts with the supposed sleuth, Miss Fischer - too mature for her look and behavior - with the first episode, as she manages to arrive by ship, entertain a "non-feminized" female doctor friend, head for lunch, encounter a murder there along with her clumsily portrayed dragon aunt, become involved with a poor unfortunate abortion victim in hospital (fired that morning by the murder victim and cared for by the aforementioned doctor), go to a prison to confront the murderer of her sister, and undertake the job of undertaking a soirée to take place the next night AT THE HOUSE OF THE MURDER VICTIM, changing her clothes five times in the process prior to the sun setting.It is an insult to the genre. It fails as a spoof, a comedy of manners, a detective show, a sex romp, a period piece, a social commentary or a camp send-up. The gratuitous nods to "women getting their own" are deplorably shabby. The main character is inexorably reduced to appearing as a condescending b*tch.It aims at the lowest notions of what women, not to mention viewers in general, want. In the process it treats the viewer as a drooling stooge to be titillated by inauthentic and clumsy burlesque. That it does so while pretending to invoke serious matters of drug addiction, murder, and the kidnap and drugged abortion of an abused young woman shows that this show is at heart cynically mean-spirited. I suggest that people approving the enterprise fit the description appearing in the second sentence of this paragraph. Shame on the team cranking this thing out.
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