Max Headroom
Max Headroom
TV-PG | 31 March 1987 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    fish4spider-1 there are so many good shows that should be on DVD and are not why, max should be on DVD this start's of with a remake of the original uk movie which was brilliant. there are two versions of the uk movie the 60 min version and a 100 min version which is the same movie it has more of max and music video's it an half hour show edited in to the movie the 100 min version was made for the us so the us can understand why max had his own showthe remake had some change's one of them is bryce he turns out to be a friend of edison's and not a little brat like in the uk version we don't see big time TV until later, the ending is different max stay's with network 23 its a shame the uk movie was never continued as uk series i would have loved to have known what happened to network 23, max with blank reg and bryce,grossmen or the us version just continue from the uk pilot the series as very good but it lost what the uk version has i think what i liked about it was it was in the future and there are not many shows around like this maybe we might see a new max headroom TV series or movie or even see max v j ing again one day
    Absolutredskin It "dawned" on me finally where I had seen the actor named "Frank" (Matt Frewer) from "Dawn of the Dead" (2004) and all these memories of my childhood came back (born in '79). I remember I watched it faithfully and although I was way too young to actually understand the satyric nature of the show, I was mesmerized by the early use of CG on the idiot-box. I can still see that guys head and the way the computer used to "chunk" when he talked. Funny how now, almost two decades later, we're still dealing with chunking in streaming audio and video feeds. Somebody knew which way the world was headed. Just a great show and I really enjoyed the trip down memory lane
    slave138 This was, and still is, my favorite show to ever grace the flickering screen of my television. The visionary depiction of a TV-driven culture on overdrive piqued the imagination and served as a prophetic parody/warning to the industry that ironically gave it life in the US.It was a near (20 minutes into the) future where TV wasn't only entertainment but required by law -- just having an off switch was a major crime -- and ratings were EVERYTHING. Hackers, brain-recorded AI, pirate TV broadcasters, TV religion, mercs selling tomorrow's top story, body banks and bodyleggers, blip-verts, cred-sticks, the mix of grit and the glimmer of neon... this WAS cyberpunk at it's purest (with the noted exception being the lack of cyberware). There has never been (and probably never will be) a show that did as much justice to the genre.With all the drivel available on video today, I can't help but wonder when (if ever) someone will finally come to their senses and release this gem...
    A-Ron-2 I rarely gush about TV shows, especially when they haven't been on in over a decade, but I gush about MH. This show was beyond cool, it was beyond hip, and it was far too intelligent to have been on the air in the late 80s. I was lucky enough to be able to catch MH in sindication on cable a few years ago and to validate my high opinions of the show. It was still brilliant. A few episode summaries might help to clarify:Blank Reg (a blank is a person who has been removed from the corporate system, they have few rights, but the 'powers that be' can't easily find them) is put on trial for hacking (a major crime). The court is a gameshow with gameshow host for a judge and an opinion poll for a jury. I am glad to see how far off this is from reality - sarcasm :(Another episode involved a sport called rake-boarding, where skateboarders would attempt to disembowel each other while performing nifty stunts. Thank god mass media has not opted for gladiatorial shows...My question was never why this show got cancelled, but who the hell got the idea to put it on the air in the first place. I mean, this was a show whose primary entertainment value was in skewering the very medium which presented it. I can't believe that the mucky-mucks even allowed this to be seen, nevertheless broadcast.Each show was intelligent, witty and eerily prescient. I suppose the final irony was that the show itself was cancelled, but the problems that it warned us about have come true. If you get the chance to see the extant shows, see them. They are among the only truly visionary and artistic and entertaining things to have been on stupid-box since its inception.