TV-PG | 09 September 1991 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
    BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
    Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    keelhaul-80856 Maury is an idiot who should be doing a circus show with animals-- that is what this amounts to. Though, I should clarify that calling the morons on this show animals is an insult to the animal kingdom.The Only plots of this show include:"I'm a bad little bitch who is 12 years old, and I drink vodka and shoot up heroin with my 21 year old boyfriend drug dealers, and I smack my fat, worthless mom with a broom handle when she tries to stop me.""I'm a generic stereotype of a fat black woman, here to prove that Jamaal is the father of my twin white babies with Asperger's syndrome. He don't want to step up and be a man.""Hi, Maury, I was born with a nut sack on my chin(South Park)."From there, it just devolves into crowds screaming like howling asylum dwellers, crackhead strippers on stage, kids arguing with audience members about who is the bigger whore, fat crying people having spasms in the floor, and Maury pretending(best actor ever, I guess) to be sympathetic, as if someone is actually going to believe or solve this trash in a TV show.Absolutely fake stories, or real stories exploited for 30 years for totally braindead troglodytes eating themselves to death on food stamps in a trailer, ghetto, or cave dwelling.And for God's sake!!!!! These STUPID PATERNITY TEST RESULTS. They try to drag out a segment of 5 mins. into an hour-long show, by making the audience wait to see the results, while looking at pictures of the children and the men in question and repeating the same lines on every show. You can literally tune in to this for a couple minutes one year, and then tune in 2 years later, and the show format and DNA test with people screaming or dancing around haven't changed one bit!!! What kind of degenerate morons even find this entertaining??????????????????
    Jayson Orleans-Perez This show was decent back in the '90's (circa 1993-1998) I'll give the show that much credit. It began with gifted children and adults of all race, religion, and creed beating out the odds and gaining some substantial ground with their lives. But then about 2001 or 2002 something changed Maury Povich probably saw his ratings drop to (I'm guessing) Jerry Springer (as around that time, Springer would have the camera men go to people's houses, I wonder why they stopped that?) as Rikki Lake and Jenny Jones had been long gone, it only left those two super powers in the talk show industry (at the time). Instead of Maury hanging it up and retiring, Maury became like a bizarre tornado of chaos and destruction. The show was almost playing second fiddle to Jerry Springer. Now, if you're reading this then obviously you know something about The Maury Povich Show. It attempts to invade your home in three forms. The first, and most popular form, is the paternity test/ baby daddy drama type episodes. These reared their ugly head slowly at first, coming on the show once a week. Then it turned into two-part episodes. And finally, it turned into an all week affair, as if that's the show's storyline. It starts with a woman on the stage with Maury and telling him that (add ridiculous name) is her baby daddy cause (add ridiculous name) looks just like (add ridiculous name). She then rants and raves until Maury is certain that the crowd is strictly behind her before he lets them hear what the man has to say on a one minute video clip. The man calls her enough nasty names for the crowd to condemn him as an awful man and then Maury brings him out. He comes out with a new skank girlfriend and they both yell at the woman, meanwhile Jerry...oops..I meant Maury is quietly telling them to stop. This goes on for about ten minutes before he practically screams that the results are in. Now, this goes two ways: If the man is the father then the woman jumps up and begins to berate him and the crowd begins cheering and the male makes some bullshit comment about how he's gonna be a great father. The other way, is more painful, however. If the man is NOT the father, then the man gets up and begins dancing, while the woman has tears in her eyes and sprints backstage with Maury, the man, and the skank girlfriend close on her heels. She collapses on the 'sobbing couch' backstage while Maury promises to find her baby daddy and the man and the new skank girlfriend are teaming up to yell and scream at her. This happens every single episode, I'm shocked it ain't scripted. The second tier of episodes has to do with unruly little teen girls who want to either get back at their mothers by sleeping with everybody in the world or want to have a baby. Their mothers (where are their fathers, by the way?) cry and plead for Maury to do something and gets this big angry black guy to come out and yell at the young girls and round them all up to juvi or a semi-kayfabe boot camp. Then as soon as the bad teens come out of boot camp or juvi, they are all reformed. All conveniently within the hour. The third and final tier of episodes are for miracle survivals, overweight babies (ugh), guess that tranny, or tall lanky man with short stubby woman. They rarely show show these episodes for some odd reason. This is the worst show on television today. Not only does it bring out the worse in all races (blacks, whites, my fellow Hispanics) but Maury seems to be having a good time exploiting these people. Now, Jerry Springer isn't the most noble person in the world, but he knows and admits that he's scum and frankly I believe his show is a bit more appealing to watch, at least you get the anticipation and question if today's episode could get crazier than yesterdays. With Maury, every episode is the exact same, the exact same words exchanged, the same stereotypes day in and day out. This show has to be scripted because these people say the exact things no matter what. And if it is scripted, then Maury needs to fire that writing team of 3rd graders and hire the 7th graders.Maury is scum!
    Michael DeZubiria I have never been a regular fan of Maury, all of these talk shows seem to be so much the same to me that I can never get myself to sit in front of the TV for an entire episode. I have seen episodes in the past that are really interesting and helpful to people, and Maury seems to be more caring and generous than a lot of these talk show hosts (except Oprah and Montel Williams, but Montel is so cheesy and goofy that I almost can't handle him at all). But a lot of times there are just genuinely trashy people on the show (and like Springer, sometimes the stories are so preposterous that it's hard to believe that they're not acting). And here's the thing that really gets to me, whenever I see one of these outrageous shows, the reactions and behavior of the audience suggest that they're not much different.I just saw a show, for example, about 13 and 14-year-old girls that are having sex, desperately trying to have babies for whatever reason. Their desperate mothers have brought them on the show for help convincing them to wait until later in life to have children. One girl, a 14-year-old who had already contracted 2 venereal diseases (from the same guy, incidentally – sounds like a real winner….), explained that she had no one and only wanted a friend. When she came out on stage in tears, the audience loudly booed her. What a bunch of total dirtbags, man. Here's this 14-year-old girl who's confused about life and they taunt and boo her on her way onto the stage. I hope the majority of Maury's audience wouldn't react that way, because if so, I will happily exclude myself from that little group! But the other thing is that the audience was probably responding to one of those "Applause" prompts, in which case it was the show that asked her to give that girl that response, and if that is what happened, can you really say that the show is doing the best it can to help people? I like to think that the majority of the shows are meant to be educational and informative, but there are certainly times when Maury slips up and gives us some bottom-of- the-barrel trash entertainment, and we just don't need any more of that on American TV. And don't get me started on the paternity test episodes!Incidentally, on the show with the girls who wanted to have babies in their early teens, the Maury show was nice enough to give the girls the opportunity to take care of a real baby for 24 hours. Needless to say, they all miraculously changed their minds, and everyone clapped and cheered and went home happy while the producers were no doubt planning the next show – "Mothers Who Rent Out Their Babies!"
    lindabradley1 Our society has become so sick. No more real movie stars or television stars. This man and I use the term loosely is an example of how far down we as a country have become. What has happened to entertainment, that must be subjected to this trash. Where has our self respect gone? Get rid for good of this guy and Springer, Cheaters, judge shows, murder, bad language, sex violence. Are there any real entertainers left? Please do something. Hopefully, kids are in school when this trash is on but what about people unable to leave the house because of illness? How much more can we stand of this depression so called entertainment? What a sad world we have become. Somebody do something and start by turning off the television and not buying the products that promote this junk.