Lone Star
Lone Star
| 20 September 2010 (USA)
  • 1
  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    Wordiezett So much average
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Bob_the_Hobo I don't know how this even got on air. "Lone Star" is a big, dumb mess that in my opinion failed miserably. The acting is horribly bad, the script is dumb and does nothing to keep my interest, and the plot is overdone and uninteresting. Chalk up another failed fall show.James Wolk plays a Texas con man who leads a double life - meaning he has one wife and one girlfriend, and he's two people. I forgot the names and confused the characters for most of the episode so pardon me for not giving you the whole scoop.Wolk is awful, he seems to think that a wink and a charm will stand for anything. His character is the absolutely typical con man; suave, dry, careless, smart. He's the boring stereotype. The women who play his wife/girlfriend are just as bad. Even Jon Voight shows his declining quality as an actor. David Keith seems to be the only one who cares in this series, he makes do with what he has.Don't expect to get anything out of "Lone Star".
    aimwilk This show made me a little ticked off at first, because it was going to make me like a guy who was a con artist with two wives... well, I did! I loved the main character, a man struggling to get away from the insane values his father taught him. I was just beginning to really look forward to watching this show when it was taken off the air. I wish the network had given the show more than 2 episodes to catch on, though I know statistics show that ratings don't usually grow over time. I think in this case, the show could have caught on and been something. The premise was definitely different - the actors were likable and believable, and something about it just left me awaiting the next scene at all times. It's too bad the network took all available shows off their site, because those of us who liked it would've liked to have seen what had been filmed.
    Audrey_Ann I carefully set my TiVo to record all the fall shows that had garnered positive reviews (plus a few that hadn't) so that I could compare them for myself. Hands down, our family liked Lone Star the best. An unusual premise, clever writing, intelligent plots, and plenty of opportunities to ask, "I wonder what might happen next?" And awesome music! We were hooked and happily waited for episode number two.And then we read about the abysmal ratings. Surely, we thought, the network will move it to another time slot. Surely they'll want to preserve something this good. Nope, they didn't. They showed ep no. 2 and canned it.Wow. The series had just begun to explore the different relationships the two fathers had forged with their sons. We had yet to see the main character get into any serious hot water with the two wives. (I just knew there would be a sweeps week episode where they met....) And what about holidays? How would he spend Christmas? Valentine's Day? Soooo many unanswered questions.So it's back to crime procedurals, where I can predict the ending within the first 10 minutes and never wonder who is thinking what. Is this really the best the networks can do?
    Sammie Portman I really enjoyed the pilot, and I hope the network won't pull it until its had a chance to gel and mature. I think we'll see it come together nicely in the next few episodes. The story is cute, has loads of potential for really great Uh Oh moments and I think that now they won't need to cram quite so much information in the future episodes, so it will feel less hectic and more put together.The leading man has just the right amount of charm and charisma to pull off the scams and just the right amount of heart to regret it. I actually want to see just how he is going to pull himself out of this mess. Both his wives are sweet and you like them equally for different reasons- and while its awful that he's married to both of them and you should hate him for it, its clear he loves them both, too, which makes you not hate him.All and all, it beats another cop show and if they stay away from trying to recreate Dallas, then I think they have a series that could stick around for a long time.