Locked Up
Locked Up
TV-MA | 20 April 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    aguilastina The main character is always cute... even thought she is an inmate... she is cute... and that is really what makes this series an annoying soup opera. They are trying to please the conservative audience with light silly romances between the guard and her... the guard is an honest alpha male who wants to rescue her and waits in celibacy her release... so unrealistic. Other versions of this same prison story did it so much better, such as Capadocia or Wentworth. Because the story is not supposed to go around a stupid love affair with a guard but instead, it should be about an ordinary woman who made a mistake and got into jail where she becomes the badass... And that character transformation is amazingly achieved in the mexican and australian darker versions. But this spanish story makes me feel that they doesn't want to upset their viewers, for example, they don't want to show her as a full lesbian, she murders people but she is sexually "blocked"... she lies and does illegal stuff but she is innocent, she escapes but her hair and makeup are always impecable... this character fails in complexity and evolution... it's dull.
    mail-5189 This show is a mix between "Orange is the New Black" and the Australian "Wentworth" with a main character similar to Piper Chapman while the overall tone of the show is more like Wentworth: dramatic, dark and gritty with the occasional black comedy.It's well acted and written with a story line that is very different from ONTB and Wentworth.However, in terms of the writing, directing and overall execution is doesn't quite reach the level of Wentworth which really excels in all areas.The character writing is not as strong (but still good) - most of them are very likable and easy to root for, but especially the main villain could be more interesting and complex. So overall I'd say it's not as addictive as Wentworth but still really good and definitely worth watching.
    mister-ed-1 I love this Show and haven't been able to get round to starting watching anything since as nothing will beat it ! I am waiting Series 3 !! Hurry up !! Its a great show - and if you are learning Spanish its good too. Great characters, good storyline - twists and turns to the story all the time.
    richetal riveting from the minute I started watching, and I am not a TV fan, do not do Netflix or telly, I came across a review in a newspaper stating series 2 was starting here on Ch 4 and how good it was; I only really started watching in order to practise my Spanish (using the subtitles to cheat) however from series 1 episode 1 I was hooked. It is compulsive viewing I became addicted and quite antisocial, it is gripping, shocking, at times sensual, brilliantly acted and challenging to watch. Great sound track and some wonderful dark humour. The ending of the final episode of the second series was dreadful and I am not sure how I will last till series 3 starts! I have nothing to compare it with but it is utterly brilliant - if not for the faint hearted.