Joe Rogan Questions Everything
Joe Rogan Questions Everything
| 24 July 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    anarchy-inc After reading all the bad reviews, I decided to give the show a chance.. Cause after all, I love a "good" B-movie so bad that it's funny. Basing this entire review upon the very first pilot episode I must say, I was pretty darn entertained. I would suggest not viewing the show expecting to see an insightful thought provoking documentary (with subjects like Bigfoot... what would you expect), I went in expecting/hoping to see something along the lines of Penn & Teller's: Bullshit and was happy to find a G-rated variant.Also, I did found him to be very open-minded and realistic about the whole thing. **Spoiler** For example, Bigfoot hunters claimed bear crap was proof, and real scientists state that we discover brand new endangered species all the time... So while it is indeed possible, it's extremely unlikely.
    endemix-alex I really enjoy every episode.Rogan talks about up and coming hot current event topics.From the bizarre to the unusual. There's SO MUCH to be learn through his TV show. Outside of his lame comic take and out of context jokes, a lot of the interviews are with well respected members of their chosen field. Most of the topics discussed are real events currently going on behind the public eyes. Honestly you won't find a show quite like his. Just look pass his awkwardness when he tries to lay down a funny joke in the most inappropriate time.
    luccas-faun Joe Rogan "Debunks" Everything? Seriously after watching 6 episodes I can only say "what a waste of time", this review will be the last "nod" in the direction of this show from me.I did not expect a "I believe everything" Joe, but I did not expect "I disrespect and debunk everything" Joe, either.First of all, this show has nothing special in it that was not presented in a dozen other shows of this type already. And Joe instead of making it more watchable and funny actually manages to make the experience that much more excruciating.The production values, acting and sound effect are as amateur and cheesy as they get on "Mainstream" TV.After listening to Joe talk about DMT and other stuff, I expected him at least to have an open mind about "stuff", but to the contrary he seems to have a fixed point of view which he almost always reveals at the beginning of each episode, and "works" his way to proving it, despite his "I don't know §hit attitude". And if you thought this point of view was "maybe, possibly, etc." or ever "I don't know man.." you'd be wrong, he's point of view is mostly "have you seen this dumb a$$ Dude telling me about Sasquatch/UFOs/etc. I laughed my a$$ off.." Most of the guests on the show are the exact type you'd expect from a "debunking show", seeking out the most radical/paranoid/borderline crazy people to show up. The few that have credentials are given much less air time and their point of view is mostly dismissed on a technicality.In summary this show has nothing you probably haven't seen already and it has nothing worth seeing even if u haven't seen it. The production and entertainment values are of "lowest common denominator" quality.
    t-moppin I like this show. It's fun, has some interesting points and ventures into a lot of unexplained stuff. The other reviewers kinda give Joe a "stupid man" persona. Having listened to his Podcast for quite a while I can tell you that that is not true. I do however feel that he is "acting" as that is the persona that people know him for, and probably what he was hired to do. In response to a previous reviewer stating that all of Joe Rogan's merits being martial arts related that is simply not true, he is also a very successful comedian, which is what made him famous. He has always been involved in the martial arts, which combined with his comedy is why Dana White chose him to be the voice of MMA. That being said, the show in it's self is pretty entertaining. They do talk about weird things. And they do have a lot of what may seem to be pseudo-science. That is the nature of the show, he's "investigating" things on the fringe. He couldn't possibly know everything about the things that he is talking to these people about. The ones that do choose to be interviewed are "experts" in their area of choice. While Rogan is just a fan of the strange and unusual. I don't expect to have a lot of hard science in these episodes. That's not what the show is really about. It's about the fringe and unexplained. I would doubt a real scientist would bother even looking into the topics talked about on the show. However, in my opinion he does ask a lot of interesting "what if" questions. You have to be able to think out of the box, and Joe is also not afraid to call BS on something that is just too out there. Especially when he asks his guests to show proof of something and all the can show for evidence is some story that some guy told some other guy that told their (the guest's) best friend. Given that this is not supposed to be a hard facts in-depth type show, for what it is it's an interesting way to kill an hour and learn about some of the more off the wall things that people study.