Jane by Design
Jane by Design
TV-14 | 03 January 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
    Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
    ninabarateli Well watching series about fashion from 2012 might be quite funny, all this glittery high heels and ballerina dresses are so 2000's. And story is also as old as time. But among all this dark, satiric and sarcastic TV series which are popular in 2017, it was nice to see something as naive and pure. You're going to say the story is boring, shallow and unfinished (thanks for canceling the show after one of the most intense moments, not), it is. But you still can enjoy watching "Jane by design" for its beautiful pictures and actors. I don't regret spending the time for this 18 episodes and really wanted to see what comes next, but unfortunately it's over. Anyway, it was something bright and pure, I loved it
    rachel_nicole_jade I like this series. Its the old double life Hannah Montana meets The devil wears Prada. Where the unpopular dorky school girl actually has an exciting life outside of school. Its good to see the misfits and underdogs as not the most glamorous people, because lets face it- in reality that never happens! It opens young girls minds to the idea of their own design and trends in fashion. About expressing ones individuality and also that they can do anything that they put their mind too. For a woman in my 20's who has a large distaste for a lot of the latest programming that TV has to offer, i must admit that this show has certainly caught my attention!
    sam-braco I literally wanted to bash my head into a wall attempting to watch this show. The acting is borderline terrible with a few promising actors budding on acceptable (Ben, Jane's brother, isn't HORRIBLE). The script is juvenile at best. I do think it's probably a good show for teens but if you are an adult trying to watch this, you will want a good healthy dose of a hefty pain killer before you try to watch it. Erica Dasher, who plays Jane, is annoying and there is something going on with her face that just bothers me and distracts me from anything else that is going on in the show. Also, people at ABC Family, who are we trying to kid? These actors and actresses portraying high school students do NOT look like they are in high school! At least hire actors who look like they can pull off being a teen. For example, Matthew Atkinson, who plays Jane's crush, Nick, is DEFINITELY pushing 30. I'm sorry to those who like the show, but for someone who was excited to watch this show because she likes fashion, this was a huge, stinking pile of disappointment.
    sardanpasta Jane by design is fast becoming my favorite show. Here are the pros: * Great acting. From excitingly explosive performances by India to the complex and non-stereotypical characters of Lulu and Nick, this cast has proved they have the chops. 26 year old Erica Dasher, who plays the main character of Jane, portrays a teenager quite well, as does Nick Roux, who plays her best friend.* Creative plots. The plot lines are not contrived or cliché. Instead, most plots center around Jane at school, Jane at work in the fantasy world of fashion, and Jane's relationships with her friends and co-workers. This show is obviously very fashion related, so any fashionistas will enjoy its numerous references to the industry and cameo appearances by designers (like Betsey Johnson.) * Unique relationships. This isn't just your typical abc teen show drama...instead of constant breakups and such, Jane by Design presents Jane and Billy as incredibly close but (as yet) platonic best friends. Billy's devotion to Jane is something quite unusual and their relationship is one not really seen before.* Really good clothes. Which is to be expected, since this is a fashion show.So, in conclusion, go watch this show. It's positive, lighthearted, and actually has substance. The 10 episodes are airing in rotation on abc's site (a rerun is added every Monday) and abc has just ordered 8 more episodes for this summer. OR, if you can't wait that long, check out this realistic fanfiction story which carries over all the plot lines from the show (just search for "Kickstich" by Clarissa Rivers on fanfiction.)