It's Your Move
It's Your Move
| 26 September 1984 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
    Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
    Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
    adrian-260 I think that the producers of !It's Your Move" are missing out on a great opportunity because it is still not available on DVD. If it was to be released in this format, then I would certainly buy it. Another character not very often mentioned was the janitor of the flats where they all lived. Ernie Sabella played this man, Mr Donatelli, (I think that was his name) a most revolting person who hated Mathew Burton intensely. Every time they could, they exchanged insults at an alarming rate. "So that the flies can shower" was only one of the jibes from Burton to Donatelli. This sequence still makes me laugh when ever I think about it. As everyone else says, (well, most people) it is a pity that it is no longer shown. Rather strange when other shows get constant re-runs and do not have such biting humour. I would give this show full marks, even though it first aired such a long time ago.
    Scott Zeski This show was too far ahead of its time to make it. Matthew Burton was a smart-ass14 year old with an IQ that seemed to rival Einstein's. He was constantly pulling off schemes that would make the CIA jealous. His clueless mother thought, as usual, that he was a saint, but his closely scheming sister knew better, though that didn't protect her from his antics.His arch-nemesis was a neighbor that his mother was dating named Norman. Norman, while geekly on the outside was the ultimate schemer. 'You can't kid the kidder. Everyone knows that the first rule of the underhanded is to always look behind you!' Matthew's schemes were, in fact, so perfect that the moronic censors saw fit to annihilate the show by turning it into a 'life lesson' sit-com <is that an oxy-moron?>. Remember the episode where Eli <Matt's best, stupid friend> saves the soccer game? Very shortly after the change from wicked cool smart-ass to 'teach me son' character happened, the show was canceled. Not surprising if you've seen the show. The dregs of humanity will go down in history as one of the all-time greatest scams in TV history. Too bad FOX Network wasn't around a bit sooner. This show could have put Married With Children to shame.Satori
    Vivacious_J I own all the episodes of this UNFORGETTABLE 80's show. I saw it once or twice when USA re-ran it in 92 and couldn't get it out of my mind so i desperately found a way to purchase it...long story. Anyway, Jason Bateman as Mathew Burton is a crafty, smart ass that (if I wasn't 4 years old when this show was out) would have been in love with! There's just something about those polo shirts and colored sweatshirts and that shady smile of his that turn me on! LOL, back to the rest of the cast....Eli (who i know on a personal basis) is an adorable clutz and also a great juxtaposition to Matt's conniving, shrewd ways. He is in love with Matt's big sis, the popular cheerleader/slut Julie, who is a cute 80's girl who gives her brother a run for his money with some petty fights and snide remarks. The mom, Caren Kaye, is rather flighty and unaware of her children's un-innocence but she has her place in the show and if Norman Lamb (Steve from married with children...another favorite show of mine!) loves her, than golly gee I love her too! Norman is also hilarious. Him and Matt carry out the greatest rivalry in television history--at least in this reviewer's opinion. In closing, let me just say, if you haven't seen the "Dregs of Humanity" episode, you haven't lived. "Bones lives in the fast lane."Norman: "So how are the ladies?" Tombstone: "Who cares. They're just objects of lust. We cast them aside. We're THE DREGS!" enough said. BOW DOWN TO THIS (sniff sniff) ONE SEASON WONDER 80's GEM OF A SITCOM!!!to think they let trash like gimme a break, webster, etc go on for 5 seasons and "It's Your Move" gets shafted after one...what a sick and twisted world we live in!
    lovetay I really liked this show, jason was very good in it, so was tricia. I would like to see it on fx or tv land. It was one of the few shows that could make me laugh, and I enjoyed watching it.