| 01 March 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    theannakostan It was a bad idea for everyone involved with Hiccups to do this show. After doing Corner Gas both of these talented actors should have taken time off and waited for a very good script for a movie or another TV show to come along, or just retired since they must have a ton of money saved up from doing Corner Gas for so long. Hiccups just is not a good show at all. Dan for Mayor was a very bad show and if anything this show is at least as bad as that. All of these people should have been more careful and selective before diving into these new shows, which just were not funny at all. I really wanted to like these shows and kept giving them a chance but it just disappointed every week until I gave up. Bad show and bad idea to do it. I hope they wait a few years and then when the right idea comes along they do that and are very successful with it!
    doctorawesomepants Hiccups is so awful that it is actually physically painful to me to watch it. As bad as that other awful, former-Corner Gas-cast-members show Dan for Mayor is, Hiccups is a hundred times worse.Brent Butt is back in a much less funny role (even compared to the last couple seasons of Corner Gas when it was not a very good show at all). He is a life coach who is inexplicably married to a much better looking and much, much younger Hispanic wife, and who is out of money. As luck would have it, another former Corner Gas employee, Nancy Robertson, needs to hire him to help her because she often overreacts and has complete fits in front of people even though she is a.... wait for it.... children's book author! Get it? She writes books for kids but she freaks out about stuff! Imagine it.... now whatever you are imagining, know that it is much funnier than this show actually is.The writing is terrible and every performance is wooden. Half the time what the characters are doing doesn't even make any sense. I can't believe this show is actually on the air.... it's shows like this that give Canadian TV a bad name.
    ir246 I'm Canadian. I understand references to Canadian culture whether they are topical or not. I was a fan of Brent Butt's stand up comedy long before his sitcom days and I was a fan of Corner Gas, especially during the first few years. Then the humour became stale and forced. Hiccups, in a sense, cuts out the middle man. It starts off being stale and forced without first being funny. I've seen only two episodes and I have no plans to see more. The show has a long way to go before it can be considered mediocre let alone good. The problem with this show lies in the writing. The actors are talented but what can anyone can do with a lame premise and lame lines? Because of the status that Butt and Robertson enjoy in Canada this sitcom may be back next year but, judged on merit and not reputation, it needs to be terminated as soon as possible.
    andrejcauchi I waited along time for Hiccups to arrive and now that it's here, I'm loving every minute of it! Brent Butt is a genius and has transplanted the magic of Corner Gas to urban Vancouver in Hiccups. The writing is superb and the characters are wonderful. The premise of the series is that Millie Upton (Nancy Robertson)a children's writer with anger management issues finds therapy in Stan Dirko (Brent Butt), a life coach who with Millie as his only client fumbles his way to setting her on the right path. Surrounding these two are Joyce Haddison (Laura Soltis), Millie's straight-laced editor and chief, Taylor Rhymes(David Ingram), Millie's slime ball agent who seems more interested in picking up women than Millie's career, Crystal Braywood (Emily Perkins) the ditsy, know-it-all receptionist and Anna Dirko (Paula Rivera), Stan's loving and devoted, way to hot for him wife. Together, they provide the perfect ensemble that sets this series apart from so many of the other recent sitcoms. Hiccups gets two thumbs up!