| 06 April 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
    Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    spaceinge This comedy series shows celebrities and politicians for what they truly are and what they represent in the social context of todays world. I have no doubt that the usurpers of power (all those that have it) unmasked by this series want it cancelled but that will be a mistake and a serious loss for any chance of meaningful interpretation of western society in the 'naughties'. Of course any comparison with Spitting Image will leave it wanting but that is mainly due to the level of intelligence in the western world being considerably less now than it was 20 years ago, thus Headcases being a more 'stupid' series. If it was a weekly show would be far superior to any political satire show on air know, and a very useful instrument to help young people understand and make sense of this idiosyncratic society that surrounds and chokes us all.
    mgproductions2006 those words perfectly describe the piece of vomit to the screen which calls it's self "headcases" watching it is the equivalent of rubbing your eyeballs with sandpaper.the comedy is so generic and unfunny and UN witty it just makes you go UGHGHGHGHGH the animation is decent.. they spent all the money on animation instead of decent writing and voices.its the same bad jokes over and over and over again every episode.the acting is soo poor and grueling.. and I've seen bad acting.. heck I'm a Troma fan! i don't see how a series this completely unfunny gets on the comedy channel pure..utter..dribble..should be canceled immediately every second is gruelingly unfunny to watch.i rarely do reviews.. but i felt forced with this piece of $H1T!.
    foylepher "Headcases" is a new British television show that is more British humor than anything. The animation is just brilliant, the voice action is mediocre and finally the writing....is terrible. With sketches like Modonna is really a man with a very deep voice does not need very much brain work to write. I watched one episode and didn't want to watch anymore, if i was to watch it again i would not like it. Some of the characters have great features and some are a little over the edge with that persons unnatural features. This is one of those show that will be loves by few and hated but lots. I will give this a 5/10 only for the animation.
    actormichaelo This programme is one of the funniest animation programmes ever to hit British telly. The Posh & Becks, Heather Mills as the angry advice columnist and Dame Judi Dench & Dame Helen Mirren & Kate Winslet are by far the best. The show is cleverly written and superbly animated. Better than that ''Rock Rivals'' rubbish they are showing at the moment! It's funny, brilliant and clever everything you can hope for in a programme. ITV need this programme after the baby swap storyline on ''Coronation Street'' dragged on so much they started to loose viewers. Same for Rock Rivals, looses viewers.Headcases, simply great!