Harry Enfield's Brand Spanking New Show
Harry Enfield's Brand Spanking New Show
| 11 September 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Chatverock Takes itself way too seriously
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    RaspberryLucozade Harry Enfield throughout the '90's was one of British television's brightest comedians thanks to 'Harry Enfield's Television Programme' and its spin-off 'Harry Enfield & Chums' however by the start of the millennium his career started to dwindle, particularly with this dire Sky One series. Such was the inexplicable quality of the show that even Enfield himself never even bothered watching it, obviously recognising that the show was a lost cause.I have little to no recollection of the sketches, apart from a sketch featuring a vertically challenged man losing his rag against people when they inadvertently cast aspersions on his height. Enfield looks lost without the support of Paul Whitehouse and Kathy Burke ( though I doubt even they could have made this series funny ). The support cast here are utterly useless.Like 'ShadeGrenade' says, Harry's foolishness in signing up for this series mirrors the unfortunate decision that Tony Hancock made to leave the BBC to move onto a less than successful ITV series, though the failure of this show did not affect Enfield mentally like the failure of Hancock's show did to him.Sadly, Enfield did not learn from his mistake as seven years later he moved back to the BBC, teaming up once again with Paul Whitehouse for the even more dreadful 'Ruddy Hell! It's Harry & Paul'. Enfield is obviously not familiar with the term 'once bitten, twice shy!'.
    ShadeGrenade One minute, you're up, the next, you're down. Tony Hancock quit the B.B.C. at the height of his popularity to do an inferior show for I.T.V., an experience from which he never recovered professionally. Harry Enfield, alas, didn't learn from this, quitting the B.B.C. to make this horrible Sky One production, which, apparently, even he didn't bother to watch. Enfield is an amazingly talented comedian, but alas was let down by the atrocious material, shoddy production values and mediocre supporting cast. Paul Whitehouse and Kathy Burke were sadly missed. Some of Harry's new characters - such as James Bond's idiot brother, and the sex-mad fisherman - look and sound like rejects from 'The Fast Show'. One sketch consists almost entirely of profanity. Unlike Hancock, Harry is thankfully still with us, and one hopes he gets his career back on track one day. 'Brand Spanking New Show' was a criminal waste of his talent, an insult to Harry's many fans, for which the people behind it deserve a good spanking.
    Jon Gregory Once Harry swapped from the dear safe old BBC, to Sky, I feel he not only got a new lease of life, but perhaps felt able to explore the more controversial side of his comedy persona. Indeed, I have to admit to being a big kid, and this series really hit the mark for me. His anarchic portrayal of the handsome priest and the questionable antics with his lady parishioners, the south African pharmacist, and the drug crazed 'Mankies' had me rolling with laughter. The language is "choice" so don't watch it if you're easily offended, but purely personally, I think this is the funniest stuff he's ever done.....More please Harry....when you're ready.....4 years off is enough O.K.!
    Theo Robertson If the rumours are true that Sky television paid a massive amount of money to entice Harry Enfield away from the BBC then all I can say is they`ve paid over the odds . The problem isn`t so much that the sketches are repetitive , the problem is that the jokes aren`t all that funny . 20,000 leagues under the seat and Monday night football are okay first time you see them but there`s not really enough foundation to build upon them - They`re one trick ponies and that`s it . I did laugh out loud at the office worker with the ugly baby and at the indiscreet pharmacist but neither of these characters is as memorable as some of the ones from Enfield`s BBC shows . And talking of Enfield`s BBC series I really missed the presence of Paul Whitehouse and Kathy Burke . It`s a similar situation when Jackie Wright ( The small bald Irishman from THE BENNY HILL SHOW ) died . Instead of Hill being sidesplitting he became mildly amusing and it`s the same with Enfield being without Whitehouse and Burke
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