Happy Town
Happy Town
TV-14 | 28 April 2010 (USA)

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    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    smallrage1 This is a great thriller/mystery who done it that takes time to develop, its so good that by the 4th episode I knew right away it was just a matter of time before ABC would cancel it. Why do you ask? because it slow(giving you tiny tidbits weekly that keeps you guessing) people are too impatient these days, its also too complicated for the simple minded people who prefer romance, cartoons and reality shows where they don't have to use their brains because they can't or won't.Its the same reason Harper Island, Flashforeword and Damages to name a few shows that have been now been officially canceled, if you have watched those shows you know what they have in common they all keep you guessing waiting to watch the following week. Unlike show like Glee, Pretty little liars, Entourage and many more that are all romanced based eye candy shows that are all aimed for female viewers or cartoons for the kid minded Adult.Don't get me started on Reality trash which I avoid like the plague they are on only to save Networks money from paying great actors and actresses. If like like those types of shows then TV as we know it is bound for doom and gloom
    jaypugh Happy Town has got to be one of the most confusing shows I can remember. There is only one pace in this series and that is "all out". People want to compare it to Twin Peaks but it isn't even close because at least in Twin Peaks they knew how to pace and build the characters. The plots shifted but not ever 5 minutes. Also, Twin Peaks didn't have camera shots that look like someone handed a 5 year old the camera for action sequences. It is frustrating when a fight scene is done and you have to pause to gain your composure before you toss your cookies.On a positive note, the characters are fairly believable and the acting is good. There's also plenty of scares in Happy Town and the show comes off as genuinely creepy. The best thing about Happy Town has to be Sam Neil. His character suits him perfectly and you can't help but want to see what he is going to do next.Sometimes I have to go against the masses and this is one of them. There are many possibilities in Happy Town but things come at you too fast. I felt like I got a season's worth of twists and turns in 2 episodes. If this is the supposed to be ABC's makeup project for Twin Peaks then they have dropped the ball.
    candlemansa Billed as the new 'Twin Peaks' but with more on par with 'Harpers Island' comes the eerie 'Happy Town'.The town of Haplin is named after the Haplin family who own the Bakery that employs most of the town inhabitants. Five years earlier the Haplins 8 year old daughter vanished, believed to be the last victim of a serial killer called the Magic Man. For five years in the aftermath of the last disappearance the town has managed to perfect its manners and idyllic setting creating a welcoming facade. Two things happen that begin to tear apart this weak illusion, a vicious murder which opens the show and the arrival of a young woman intent on opening up a candle shop in the town yet clearly has another agenda.As we become woven into the plot and introduced to some of the towns inhabitants many freaky characters begin to emerge mainly the owner of the boarding house in which reside a group of 'golden girls'. On the outskirts of town are a family of rednecks with a simpleton brother (definitely influenced by Twin Peaks) but the most creepy character is that of an English gentleman Merritt Grieves played by Sam Neill. With his character they could move away from serial killer land established in 'Harpers Island' and go more with the weird and wonderful that was Twin Peaks. The pilot raises interesting questions, is the blue door significant, what lies on the forbidden top floor of the boarding house, what is Chloe up to and is the magic man a supernatural killer as opposed to a human one.As well as the acting talents of Sam Neill we have the beautiful star of 'Angel and Dollhouse' Amy Acker with Steven Webber and 'Men in Trees' star Abraham Benrubi.Filmed in Canada this is definitely one to keep watching.
    slwilliams209 I watched the show last night with hopes for a new favorite show. I haven't written it off yet, but I have some concerns. I don't think anyone denies the similarities to a number of past shows, books and movies. "Twin Peaks", "Lost", and "Witches of Eastwick", to name a few. I am excited that one poster, like me, saw some rumblings of Stephen King's "Needful Things." When we learn that Sam Neil (who I have admired since "The Omen III", has a movie memorabilia store that nobody frequents, I immediately though of Leland Gaunt and his little store in Castle Rock, Maine. Above his store is a sign that reads, "caveat emptor" which means "buyer beware". I think Sam Neil could have the same. I'll keep watching until I have more reason not to. How long can the plot hold up? We'll see.
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