Greenhouse Academy
Greenhouse Academy
TV-PG | 08 September 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    sillywacoon I've currently watched until S2:E12. I found the drama exciting, and the comfortably short episodes easy to go back to when wanting to watch something for a bit.Tolerable? Meaning, at some point I just noticed how every character's accent is super Arab / from the Sham region (ie the way they pronounce their "t"s, some of the facial expressions). Then I looked up the show and found that it's filmed in Israel, which is right in the middle of the Sham region (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Israel, Jordan). And that seems to explain the very distinct accent from seemingly every character (the few Black characters are harder to notice an accent from, if they even have an out-of-character accent... but the show consists of mostly just White and Black characters, of course). I know that LA has a lot of Hasidic-type Jews, especially near the Beverly Hills region, but dang... LA - the region where the show is set - isn't Israel. And it's super distracting when all the characters sound like they're from a different part of the world, yet they're supposed to be American and the school in the show is supposed to be set in the greater Los Angeles area.** Spoiler Alert ** Only exciting/tolerable until S2:E12? Well, the whole series till this point had a specific direction and purpose: there's rising action, climax, and falling action, where the show ideally might end around S2:E12... But, then at S2:E12, they seem to have a lack of ideas and make it arguably like every other teen drama, and I wonder why I'm even watching it.
    isabellalouiseevans I actually quite enjoy watching this show on Netflix. I came across it recently, and find it really easy to binge-watch. Sure, the acting isn't always brilliant, and the plot seemingly fairly unrealistic, but it is a fun programme to watch. My main issue with it is the character Aspen's horrendous English accent. I have no idea where the actress comes from, but her English accent is quite possibly the worst one I have ever heard. Every time she speaks it makes it difficult to focus on what is going on in the scene because my sister and I honestly can not stop laughing over this supposed English accent. Overall, good programme with an interesting and captivating plot and likeable characters. I admittedly haven't made it all the way to the end of season two so don't know how it concludes, but I am enjoying it so far.
    wardy89 Look i know this is a tv show aimed at teen's but really Netflix a Russian rocket launching from America on a NASA mission its really hard to look past?
    fisselregen-06943 I really like the mystery and the characters. But some things are not believable and annoy the viewer. I try not to spoiler but some things of the story will come out in my review. Nothing that ruins it though. 1. It was obviously not made in California. The makers have no idea about distances. It gets even worse. At some point (without spoilering) two people drive to a place where a sattilite is lauched. It is obviously far away since cookies are packed. Two others suddenly appear at the same scene but one comes late because of a hair/dressing problem. But she must have driven there since they all drive back together. So where is she getting dressed. After the scene they all just get into the car. No luggage no hotel.There are many story mistakes like that.2. the guys are getting into the school because they are smart and can play basketball. The girls are no more than supporting cheerleaders. But not the good ones with competitions, just sideline decorations. Just wrong. It also is a huge thing when one wants to be a captain of a team. What is this? The 70s? Wake up to reality of the teenager! 3. the school has two clubs houses but only as much students as 2 classes? Does not make sense.4. People wrote its racist. Thinking of it, i figure it's true. The black guys are good enough for the roles of bad leader, follower, liar and basketball player.5. They are supposed to be the smartest, it never shows so.Please continue the show because the idea is good. But let other people write and produce it. Sorry but it really makes no sense like that. Storyline is the quality of the third class telenovela.