Grandma's House
Grandma's House
| 09 August 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Ehirerapp Waste of time
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    metay-99710 I am fairly obsessed with this show and think it is sheer brilliance. I have watched both sessions more times than I care to admit, and each time I find something else that I didn't notice the first time. The show is not only funny, but poignant on many levels and has deep meaning , especially the last three episodes if you pay very close attention. I find the house, itself, fascinating----the room in which they all congregate always has that certain slant of light coming through and it is never night time, always day.I can't imagine there will ever be a show that I like as much as this one.
    Paul Evans A really funny sitcom that ran for two series, if memory serves shown late on BBC, and passed over by volume audiences. Such a shame, because it's actually a terrifically funny show, with some cringeworthy moments.A really funny show from start to finish. You couldn't really say Simon Amstell was the best actor on the planet, but his awkwardness is brilliantly realised. He's surrounded by a wealth of talent, Rebecca Front, Linda Bassett and Sam Spiro. The characters are brilliantly funny and realistic, the awkward moments are fantastic, particularly those involving Clive. I'm a huge fan of Sam Spiro, I love the character of Liz, her Uma Thurman is hilarious, she's so talented, every time she laughs I hear Barbara Windsor.So many incidents in the show remind me of stuff from my own crazy family, I think it's the real life humour that makes it so funny. Poor Grandma Lily trying to keep everyone happy, and failing miserably.Great show, 9/10
    lc-27 When I first watched this series when it came out I already found it funny, witty and at times I could really see some of my own family life in the interactions between the actors. But now that I've watched the show a second time I'm only now starting to begin to realise its sheer brilliance. The characters became that more real to me, Simon's awkwardness is at times (all the time actually) really endearing, the way the grandmother just tries to keep everyone happy reminds me a lot of my own grandmother... It's definitely worth your time to watch it and then maybe let it sink in and watch it again some time later and come to the same realisation as me: Grandma's house is a magnificent series and it just keeps getting better as the episodes progress!
    olga1403 If this quote doesn't persuade you to watch Grandma's House hopefully the following will: I found the first two episodes (as a LOT of viewers it turns out) ungainly and not quite what I thought the show would be, maybe because of the Simon Amstell's semi-comedic performance of himself, I'm still not sure. But after a two week break a I watched the third episode and it made double over with laughter a number of times BECAUSE of Simon Amstell's performance and the writing. The show's quirky, uncomfortable and pop culture based - much like all the things that Amstell did before and I loved( and that everyone decided to suddenly hate him for). It's also at times very honest and touching (and surprise surprise even more uncomfortable), with characters that are at once caricatured and hyper real and deliver lines that make you want to quote them the next day. So don't let people's sudden hatred of Simon Amstell discourage you from watching this great bit of British comedy!
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