Generation War
Generation War
TV-14 | 17 March 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
    MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
    Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
    neicho-79775 A great series to watch if you enjoyed Band of Brothers and other war films but are tired of seeing it from the allied perspective. Gritty and shocking - hits all the right feels for a war movie.
    denis888 This is a 2013 German TV series, originally titled Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter - Our Mothers, Our Fathers - 3 episodes 90 minutes each. When it was out, this series produced not a small stir and a real havoc among Polish, German and English-speaking audiences. Why? At first, it seems just a story of 5 friends during the times of WWII. Yeah, but with one slightly huge difference - this is a story form the Germans' point of view. And this is where the biggest controversy is about. I cannot dwell deeper into the movie plot, otherwise, that'll be a spoiler, I can just say that several aspects of the story do stir serious bedazzlement and shock. And there is one more serious drawback - despite all the desperate efforts, the movie does lack certain depth of character development and does leave with a sense of some over the surface gliding. The actors try very much, and often they deliver decent ideas, but sometimes the film just leaves much to be desired. This is such a painful and delicate ground - Jews, Holocaust, Nazi rise, Communism versus Nazism - that any slight bias will ruin the whole movie easily. This one barely stood the ground and still flopped on may aspects
    kamecha I really felt sorry for the Germans after watching this movie. Why such poor, peacefully nation had to suffer so much from the Poles and the Russians???!! WHYY?! Hitler should be a national hero in Germany. Both Russia and Poland should apologize to the Germans for all the trouble and pain! :(:(:( Perfectly is shown courage and supernatural abilities of German soldiers. Brilliant scene where the German soldier with Mauser rifle fired into a group of partisans hidden in the forest!!!! Everything is brilliant. I will not say a bad word about this movie. I ate all my fingernails 10/10 :D (Your review does not contain enough lines)(Your review does not contain enough lines)(Your review does not contain enough lines)...
    skobru-7-335285 It is said that in wars, the Victors always write the histories. I grew-up on the American and English war films always showing the Germans as monsters. People without emotion other than hate (most of the time). So much of that history was written by THAT generation that lived through the war with all the attendant hate. As I became an adult I knew there was of course another side. It was impossible for all on the OTHER side to be monsters. So much simplification. War is full of good and bad on both sides. The victorious can hide their monsters and ignore them. Not all Germans were monsters. They were HUMAN. This wonderful mini-series shows that humanity. Some think that it shows the Germans as being so nice. IT DOES NOT. There is kindness hate love cruelty and compassion in this. There are haters of Jews and those that change their minds about Jews. There are ALL sides of the German of that time shown. The acting directing and writing are very good. It lacks the polish of a Hollywood big budget film but it tells a fine STORY. STORY is what this is all about. There is an even handedness about it all. I felt they tried to show all sides of what happened complete with the torture murder and rape of Jews to a few scenes of compassion for them. Not all are the same in Wars. Just as there were murderers and rapists in the ranks of the allied military. Just not done on such a horrific mass scale as the Germans did.