The Peter Serafinowicz Show
The Peter Serafinowicz Show
| 04 October 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
    Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
    thesteveandjoeshow I can not express how impressed, blown away, and inspired I was by viewing some of the skits from Peter Serafinowicz Show on YOUTUBE. I think the actors and skits are incredible!! Like some of the other reviews mentioned,"I HARLDY EVER LAUGH OUT LOUD FROM TELEVISION SHOWS But this show made me literally laugh out loud!!" Each skit is just as impressive and funny as the other. I read one guys "bad" review and got so upset I had to join IMD just to comment because I cannot comprehend how some one cannot even chuckle at anything that this man does. I am so use to watching the same plain and stale comedy that when I watched these skits they had my full attention because I didn't know where it was going to take me and I knew I was in store for a fun journey with a lot of laughs. Each one is in a playful happy mood that is enjoyable to watch and laugh at, not mean spirited.FINAL REVIEW: Great actors,Great comedy show!
    ged_white72 I just started watching and peter is so funny and he is a very good impressionist. If i hadn't watched Friday Night with Johnathan Ross i wouldn't of known he did the voice for Darth Mall in star wars. He is a very good impressionist i cant wait to see his next episode. I like wen he does 0 news that is so good and his wig is awesome. Pete is a genius for making his own show up. I saw him in Shaun of the dead and he was awesome in that. Im so glad he got his own show. I just remember he played Darth Vader in his first episodes so that was good seeing has he did the voice for Darth mall. Man i haven't watched star wars in years. So yeah if you have seen him in films and liked him this is the show for you:)
    jamesbloke What a pile of rubbish. I have only watched the first episode - I haven't wasted my time on any more. It was mixture of the really obvious (punchlines signposted right at the start of the sketch, for instance) and the downright weird (Kitchen Gun!!!).There were only two things which mad me laugh in the first episode. The impression of Alan Alda was absolutely uncanny. The other was the robot presenter of the Jeremy Kyle-type show: "I detect that you have a p***s".The bloke does have some talent, I admit. His Terry Wogan (as exhibited on "Friday Night with Jonathan Ross" last night, is also spot on.
    monkeyyyy_dude I don't laugh out loud at comedies very often. Whether its a TV show or film I tend to enjoy and chuckle than in fits of laughter. Oh how that changed last night when I watched The Peter Serafinowicz Show. It started of gently and I enjoyed the first few sketches. As I was watching the Al Pachino Sketch came on.... I haven't cried with laughter at something for a long time but I was in bits. I won't spoil the sketch but believe me its hilarious! A great show well worth sitting down and watching on a Thurs Night.. Well Done BBC for picking up a fresh and original comedy show!!! I am hoping the trend of exec's at TV channels continue to wade through the drivel that is on YouTube etc in order to find real gems.