Four in the Morning
Four in the Morning
| 26 August 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    lawlorwalter This show is all right. I do get what a lot of the reviewers here are saying, that's it can get boring and talking heavy and that the comedy really drags sometimes but that's the kind of show this is supposed to be with some very subtle and understated stuff. But I also disagree with the really glowing reviews here, because frankly this show just is not that great either. It's worth checking out and you may not like it or you may think it's quite good. If you don't like it you don't have to watch it remember!
    eatcrowepls Say what you want about this show and I know a lot of people didn't like it, in fact I'm still not sure whether I liked or just tolerated it as an interesting TV oddity, but you can't deny that at least this show was trying to do something different. It may not have worked out but thank you CBC for at least trying to do something risky and different instead of the usual garbage you churn out!
    Killrover I was very tempted by the commercials and tried a few episodes - no longer. It seems like 2 couples dealing with 20-something angst issues.. and then throws junk in. One character talks about her sexual dysfunction and then goes into a monologue like a German torch song S&M montage; another time a cocktail party has an actor actually blow up the moon. A real history of abuse? A dream sequence? After 30 minutes of this, you don't care and there's no resolution anyways. The surreal bits seem like they intrude on what MIGHT be a interesting relationship show. I confess - I watch anything with Michelle Mylett in it but no longer. And I'm sure that Maslany's character of Bondurant Smit would be entertaining in a high school play but is so over-the-top here he's a complete turn-off. The others just seem along for the ride. It's sad because I'm sure other young script writers would have killed for the chance to do a show and be good at it.
    Portia33 This is one of the worst new shows I have ever seen on TV. Had the sense it is trying way too hard to be all edgy and cool and cutting edge and to impress or shock us or engage us with its use of the f-bomb, snorting coke, etc. But it all just comes across as completely forced, self-aware, artificial, pretentious and self-absorbed. Couldn't feel anything for any of the characters and didn't care one iota about their incessant ranting, their lives, their issues. The character of Bondurant is particularly annoying and insincere. No one talks like that. He seems like he's not even in the same show. But all of the characters are un-relatable and the acting leaves a great deal to be desired across the board. There is absolutely nothing in the dialogue that is engaging or that makes us want to know more about these characters. Go back to the drawing board, CBC - this show is a bust.