Ferris Bueller
Ferris Bueller
| 23 August 1990 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Bereamic Awesome Movie
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Dr Moo I've given this series 1/10 but I believe this to be too high. But IMDb only permits ratings of between 1 & 10 so I cannot give this the negative score that it so well deserves. If you liked the "classic-doesn't-come-close-to-describing-it" movie then you will hate this and find it as blasphemous as reading the Q'ran in church. It recasts the characters from the greatest movie ever made with lesser actors (not even Jennifer Anniston can save it) and begins with FakeFerris desecrating a promo for the movie in something of a meta-reference to what this TV series does, intentional or not. Only thirteen episodes were ever made and it was cancelled after only twelve had aired (with the thirteenth airing the next year) but they are all so terrible that I'd suggest even one is too many. Whoever was responsible for this should be hunted down and punished for their sins. This is a crime against humanity. AVOID!
    BigWhiskers This is not even camp bad . This is just awful with the smart ass Schlatter playing the so called real Ferris Bueller even going so far as to mocking the movie by dissing Matthew Broderick and cutting off the head of a cardboard cutout of Broderick as Ferris Bueller. This tactless dull comedy totally insults the film and the smart alecky Schlatter who is supposedly the real Ferris comes across as an annoying little whiner who needs to have his butt kicked. A young Jennifer Aniston plays his sister Jeannie to the same effect. Why they even produced this show is beyond me ,the movie was terrific and this shames it. Total BOMB.
    caycat96 Ferris Bueller's Day Off is an entertaining movie. I've enjoyed it several times over the years and I always get a kick out of it. Guess it could be considered a comedy classic. You can never have enough of those.I never saw the sitcom but did want to respond to the comment that Jennifer Grey played Ferris' sister, Jeanne, and not Jennifer Aniston.While Silverkiss 38 is correct in stating that the movie role went to Jennifer Grey, I believe the television sitcom role went to Jennifer Aniston. So, Silverkiss 38's fellow reviewers are correct in stating Jennifer Aniston played Jeanne Bueller, if they are reviewing the television sitcom. Which it sounds like they are if you read the comments carefully.Guess we can all afford to do a little research!
    rachelakamonkey Omg! I did not know they even tried to make a series out of the movie!! (which was amazing) If I ever saw this I'd scream in horror!!!! This is so dumb thank god I was born in '92 and not '90 because I would have been horrified! They should of made fun of this on "I love the '90's part Deaux" Whoever came up with the idea of making the series must of been seriously drunk! Matthew Broderrick must of thought this was the most dumbest idea in centuries! Cant believe this blasphemy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel bad for all those you had to see this series!! This is the nest worst thing right next to "My So Called Life" and "Freeks and Geeks"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean for real we seriously need to think and we also need to stop making series out of every movie out there!! I mean come on what is next "Gigli: the series" We need to stop the madness!! Its driving all of us mad!