TV-14 | 09 July 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Ehirerapp Waste of time
    CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Dorathen Better Late Then Never
    dwlloyd I enjoyed this show. Its over-all quality was superior to most currently available shows. That doesn't mean the show was not flawed, but I suspect a lot of the criticisms I have read here were due to overly high expectations. As pure SciFi, I did not see the inconsistencies with potential reality that has become so common in recent SciFi productions, although the show did fail, as many SciFi stories do, to keep the "magic" limited. The aliens portrayed failed to use their established abilities whenever consistent use of those abilities would have prevented more exciting stories. I also found the stark black-and-white portrayal of good and evil and the frequency with which main characters switched sides unnaturally contrived. However, the acting was excellent, covering for many inconsistencies with nuanced changes in motivation demanded by the script so that the overall experience was still captivating.
    Neil Procter I managed to stay with season 1 of Extant,although at times it was tough going. After a couple of episodes I've given up on season 2. It has the hallmarks of yet another show that was sold on the seed of an idea - woman comes home from a long space trip pregnant - and has floundered along ever since. Even the opening sequence of season 2 irritates me because it describes in detail what happened in season 1, almost as though they know we were so un-engaged that we've forgotten. Goran Visnjic was wise enough to get out early. David Morrisey has joined the cast as the new focus of evil. It's yet another alien invasion story but strung out ad nauseum. Yet more kidult nonsense I'm afraid.
    iain-997-725308 This series had about the same intelligence as any given old-school Power Rangers episode, but with worse acting and even worse special effects. I feel sorry for the creators of it, because they seriously lack talent at what they do. Spielberg has a long history of shitty series, and quite honestly, I don't know how they can afford to keep making garbage like this. All of the actors were disinterested in their roles, and you could almost read the "man this is crap, when do I get paid?" expression on their faces. This the end of the Berry career. As for the screenplay itself...if you were to give a child a box of crayons and a handful of paint, they could create a better one. It's truly embarrassing, I feel shame belonging the same species.
    Richard Smith When I first started watching this series I thought it would be the usual Sci-Fi junk that gets churned out on a regular basis but I was pleasantly surprised by Extant. This did appear to be radically different and great care was taken in the writing of Extant to keep you guessing as to where this story was going. In my opinion the storyline got stronger and stronger as it went along and the part of Molly Woods played by Halle Berry was riveting. The plot in theory could have gone either way and in part gave an insight as to how present Governments are likely to think and react to this kind of situation. Of course we do not know what lies out there and I would like to think that we would react differently in a similar situation. The 2nd series gathered pace and momentum and was quite gripping the whole plot was a different take on the alien invasion theme and I welcomed the inventiveness of the writers. Yes we can all pick holes in things, but give credit where it is due and I believe Extant to be one of the better series over the last few years