| 24 September 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    barbara browton Why is Sister Bendy not credited? She was the best character on Eurotrash. Yes, I think that Sister Bendy, the art-critic nun cycling to major European cities to meet weird and peculiar artists was the best character in Eurotrash and yet there seem to be no credits for such great character? Do you remember her? She was very funny and the audience loved her. It would be cool to see her again. Eurotrash will never be the same without her! The least vulgar and the most charming, genuine and witty persona I can recall from that otherwise deeply trashy programme. She had many fans and people still remember her I am sure... "Hello viewers, I've cycled all the way from London to meet a very interesting website called IMDb!"
    Jackson Booth-Millard This does have some humour in it, and there are only a few interesting things in the show. But I mainly just watch it for the sex or nudity. Antoine De Caunes is the host of this programme showing all the foreign trash of Europe, e.g. people that call themselves famous or celebrities, artists with new ideas, chocolate makers and many other things. Maria McErlane is a good narrator, she brings some humour, good opinion and interest to some of the topics. Lolo Ferrari with her huge tits used to be quite interesting as well before she died from a heart-attack. Obviously not male nudity, but the nudity content is quite good in this show. Especially from breasts to bottoms. The Christmas edition was number 78 on The 100 Greatest Christmas Moments. Good!
    didi-5 The strength of Eurotrash isn't in its showcase of weirdness, tackiness and porno happenings within Europe, but in the English regional accents dubbed on to the subjects of its short films - many provided by talented voice artist Kate Robbins. There's something very funny indeed about hearing a Yorkshire accent coming from a voluptuous Danish blonde who clearly thinks she's being featured seriously. Has she ever seen the show? It mercilessly sends up whatever it features (while giving it lots of screen time, of course).In the first four years, Antoine de Caunes and Jean-Paul Gaultier presented together. Their dual approach and the la-la tune proved a winning combination and the show quickly became a staple of late night UK telly and an unmissable weekly event.Guests such as the odd Mr Penguin (an old bloke who dressed as a penguin) and the ill-fated Lolo Ferrari (she of the enormous boobs) added to the odd feel of the show. After the departure of Gaultier I felt the programme began to sag, although de Caunes has continued to soldier on with the same old blend of cover girls, Eurovision failures, and transvestites that were always the staple of 'Eurotrash'.
    Aia A rather bizarre 30 minute showcase of soft core pornography and other bizarre acts from all over Europe. Antoine de Caunes is the perfect choice of host for this show, he's handsome and charming, yet with a tiny smidgen of sleaze about him, just how we English girls like our European men! Lolo Ferrari's segments are just.. well.. what you'd expect, her jumping on a trampoline, being in a paddling pool, very strange, but when you've got 56JJ boobs, I don't suppose you can miss them, rest in peace! Very good watching though :)