East West 101
East West 101
TV-14 | 06 December 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    whatithinkis The shaky camera work is just too distracting for me. There's a roughness to the work, speaking too fast, unpleasant editing. Sorry it's a no for me. I do understand that it's a worthy undertaking but my main interest is entertainment and the technical problems in this take me out of the experience.
    Mark Turner The world is filled with tension these days. The possibility of war between various countries looms if you believe everything you read in the press. The fear of nuclear holocaust hasn't been this pervasive since the 1960s. While the potential is and always has been there the reality is that the odds of it happening are slim. And yet a fear remains in place.Much of that fear stems from the actions that have involved Muslim extremists. Now please note this is not ALL Muslims but extremists we are talking about here. This would mean those that feel the need to wipe anyone who disagrees off the face of the Earth. The problem is that far too many associate ALL Muslims with this movement. Sadly those that have no connection are paying for the actions of the few.Few films or TV series have actually covered this topic in depth. Some have touched on it but nothing major. With the exception of one. EAST WEST 101, which aired on the SBS network in Australia in 2007 made this the center piece of the series with all other actions revolving around it. Why no one has taken the series to reset it in another country is beyond imagination. It would work so well in creating a bridge between people.The story focuses around police detective Zane Malik (Don Hany), a Muslim on the elite Major Crime Squad in Sydney, who faces scrutiny and distrust from his fellow officers due to his faith. His partner is Sonny Koa (Aaron Fa'aoso), a Samoan-Australian who faces as much prejudice as Zane due to his heritage. As part of the team they focus is on crimes taking place in Sydney that range from gang violence to murder. Covering the area of Sydney that houses a number of immigrants creates more tension than should exist.One of the main officers on the team is Detective Ray Crowley (William McInnes). Crowley is filled with plenty of prejudice against nearly any and every one you can imagine. He focuses much of this against Zane and the two face off more than once in the first season. The second episode spends much of its time focusing on Crowley when his son is found dead of a heroin overdose. Filled with guilt over the death and knowing that the man who most likely sold him the drugs was foreign, the possibility of Crowley being the killer of this drug dealer is introduced. That internal affairs is leading an investigation into his conduct doesn't help.So what makes this series work? Why is it so interesting and why would is it a show that other countries should emulate? The main focus of the series is the answer. The combination of prejudice mixed with the fear the world fears after numerous attacks and bombings is a balancing act that deserves discussion. And the series never turns away from that discussion. It embraces it and shows the differences in cultures not just from one side but both.The pervasive fears of non-Muslims in a world of terrorists threats is normal but at the same time can become irrational when you begin thinking that ALL Muslims are the enemy. And the distrust of those who are Muslim in a country where they are treated poorly based on the actions of a minority of their religion creates a resentment as well. The character of Zane tries to balance both sides, remaining faithful to his religion and family while working within the system to prove his worth their, that he can be trusted like any other member of the force.The acting on the show is wonderful with each actor playing their part to perfection. Hany does a great job in the lead role, displaying an intensity when called for and a softer side when needed. One hopes that he moves on to bigger and better things. McInnes as Crowley is a character that you will loathe early on and never remove that loathing for him even when he's faced with the death of his son. He is an unsympathetic character that you want badly to feel something for but then he opens his mouth and all sympathy is lost again. How you feel by the end of the series depends on your views.Acorn Media is just now releasing the first season of the series with the second soon to follow. It provides viewers around the world with a chance to experience TV from another country and they're bringing some of the best there is to find. This is one of those good ones and while only 6 episodes long is a real treat. If you're looking for a crime drama that offers something a little different then I highly suggest this series. You won't be disappointed.
    wcashley This is the best police drama series I've ever seen, and probably one of the best TV shows I've ever seen. I can't wait for the new season (starting at the end of September in Australia). Watch it for yourself and enjoy - you won't be disappointed.There is a sense of realism and character depth that is rare for TV. The acting is top class, and you find yourself drawn in and wanting more. It's also visually appealing and the characters have a sex appeal that comes from being so emotionally available to the viewer (and yes, they are a good looking lot too). The plots are complex yet easy to follow, probably because the scripts are so good.
    Andrew Cowell I have just watched the final episode of this outstanding Australian police drama and about the only thing that surprises me is how few people seem to be even aware of its existence. Every episode is like a high class feature film. You simply will not see anything better from anywhere in the world. I don't really want to write 10 lines - I just want to implore you to watch it for yourself. Featuring some of Australia's finest actors and a very evocative musical score, it portrays a gritty picture of Australia's urban underbelly. The script is tight and twitchy and never a dull moment. Every aspect is simply superb. This edgy drama is an absolute must - do not miss it!