TV-PG | 17 January 1975 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    jomama-js7 That bird was integral to his home life. Yet no mention. I would of liked to see him in the casting lineup, but no mention. What was that birds name?
    bkoganbing One of the quirkiest cops in television series was Barreta played by Robert Blake who in real life got to see the other end of the criminal justice system. Loquacious and iconoclastic this was a guy who definitely followed his own beat. Living with ex-cop Tom Ewell as a landlord and having a cockatoo named Fred as a companion, Baretta seemed completely dedicated to his job and didn't seem to have much of a social life. I'm betting that his friend Rooster the pimp who was his number one snitch supplied a little nookie for his pal. At least Rooster never called Baretta, an 'honorary soul brother' like Huggy Bear did with Starsky and Hutch.Robert Blake who played some interesting roles like one of the GI rapists in Town Without Pity, one of the killers in In Cold Blood, serial killer John List was never traditional leading man material. As a kid he was best known for playing Little Beaver in the Red Ryder series and the Mexican kid who sold Humphrey Bogart the winning lottery ticket in The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre, Blake never was a teen heart throb. He was a born character actor and a character.The quirky Baretta is hard to find on the nostalgia channels. That arrest for murdering his last gold digging wife even with an acquittal spelled finis for Robert Blake. A pity because Baretta took a unique approach to crime fighting.And that's the name of that tune.
    Brian Washington As with most police shows that were on during the 70's this was one of those that threw police procedure out the window and the main character was a maverick police detective who went by his own set of rules. I think the most memorable thing about this show was the bird and every episode followed the same formula. Too bad though. Robert Blake was a great actor that rose above his child actor days to have a great career.
    Filmbuff-55 When I was a little kid I would watch Baretta starring Robert Blake (known as child actor who played in "Our Gang") who later domineered his career as an adult actor. This cop has something that most cop series don't have humor, good times and bad times. Robert Blake was an excellent choice for street police detective Tony Baretta.