Dr. Terrible's House of Horrible
Dr. Terrible's House of Horrible
| 12 November 2001 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
    blindstalkerwxc Great too see something out of the ordinary by steve coogan, and pretty unknown but good cast.The 6 stories ( i think ) are of equal quality, they are original , more funny than scary , but that makes it the much more enjoyable.The only thing missing is your fair of nudity that would get you arroused if not stiff enough to see all six episodes in an entire afternoon.Overall good performances by all the actors, and steve coogan. He does possess that dark aura that not all comedians have . In conclusion; you could be pleasantly surprised by this horror/sci-fi comedy series. Have a nice stiff one.
    messed_up Although the first couple of episodes were nothing special the rest of the series was quite funny. Alright, not laugh 'til your sick, but it had it's moments. People don't seem to be happy unless Steve Coogan's playing Alan Partridge or Paul Calf, but this was an attempt to do something different. The series could've been better, but it wasn't that bad! Give the poor guy a break!
    matthew-58 I've only seen the last episode of this series, "Scream Satan Scream!", but I have to say it was rather good. It wasn't laugh out loud funny, but neither was Alan Partridge. In fact, Captain Tobias Slater is one of the best characters I've seen Coogan play. He is a really nasty piece of work. As for Dr Terrible himself (or should that be itself?), it's hard to believe that is Coogan under all that. It would be a shame if there isn't another series of "Dr Terrible", since it would appear to be the best vehicle yet for Coogan's versatility.
    thenetnat I think the last reviewer has missed the point. This series is meant to be clichéd, corny and cheesy. Thats where the fun is. Just take the titles of the episodes for example, 'scream satan scream', 'lesbian vampire lovers of lust'. Funny, but not entirely memorable.