TV-PG | 01 January 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
    poetlynn I enjoy this show for the artifacts they find. But sometimes I have to change channel. I can't stand seeing two grown men act like stupid drunk monkeys. All that screaming is so annoying, and not at all necessary. They need to grow up while they still have some viewer's. Screaming for the other one to come running over to see what they have found. That is very poor acting and also annoying. How many of those items have already been dug up then buried again to make it seem like they just found it. Items don't seem to be very crusted for so many years having been buried.
    JohnnySpotlight There's nothing "wrong" with this show. It doesn't take itself too seriously and doesn't try to be something it's not. That said, considering the average viewers palette and how television programming has progressed over the last decade (IE complex drama's like the Shield and Breaking Bad, or the depth of Nova and Cosmos) this show offers very little in keeping my attention. The cast of Diggers are positive and enthusiastic with boyish love for what they do, however I cannot understand why. This is a show that perhaps a toddler or history buff may have on in the background, but not seek out as the primary form of entertainment. There are multiple seasons available so maybe I'm missing something...
    cinemamaster I hate media these days. Nearly every new song that comes out is either related to cheating on boyfriend or girlfriends, kids buy new phones then break them, like the ungrateful brats they are, or unintelligently review a video game or television series without knowing the one thing essential to writing reviews: getting your freaking facts right! Let me get to the point... I love Diggers but people don't agree with me. I understand... people are entitled to their own opinions. However, when it comes to the point where I see reviews using words like "retards" or "idiots" to describe the hosts, I realize that I grow up with such ignorance around me. Yes, the hosts jump and scream in excitement over the littlest things (like a button) but the cheesiness brings out to some good nostalgic moments people had as kids. Remember the time you found fools gold and mistaken it as the real deal? Diggers isn't just mindless bozos tugging a the ground for a score. No its a bit more than that. We are all getting older, their no hiding that fact, and diggers brings out a moment in our childhood to much simpler and less media influenced time. IGNORE the poorly written reviews and take this one into account. Watch Diggers and give it a shot.
    ian959 I don't watch TV ordinarily but on a recent trip overseas I got a little bit hooked on the National Geographic Channel as they have some really cool, interesting and entertaining shows.Diggers is not one of them...On the plus side I guess the guys are VERY enthusiastic and they do visit some interesting locations.On the down side, the show is boringly monotonous and the endless 'Diggers jargon' soon grates like crazy as there is not much in their dictionary. How many times can a viewer possibly be expected to suffer phrases like 'I see round in the hole' in any 30 minute period, no matter how enthusiastically delivered? By the end of the first show I watched I was ready to smash the TV the next time I heard another one of the 'Diggers dictionary' phrases. The enthusiasm starts to grate too when the guys go off when they discover something 'awesome' - rolling on the ground, running through the forest or whatever. They remind me of 8 year old kids let loose from school for the first time in months... Oh and just about everything they seem to find is awesome. Hint: it usually isn't.This is a fine example of exactly why reality TV is killing the medium. Pure rubbish of the highest (or should that be lowest?) order.