Dark Blue
Dark Blue
TV-MA | 15 July 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
    Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    donita51 I started watching the pilot, and after a few minutes got the gist of it - tough-talking cops, bad guys all bluster, girls all pretty and big- chested, drums-filled music to signal approach of meaningful sequences, bad guys shooting at front window (reinforced) of empty cars, head cop taking off his glasses to show compassionate care for his crew, blonde girl cop calling her boss on the phone, saying "it's me" without identifying herself (I can do that trick too), and worst of all - the action AGAIN taking place in Los Angeles, a city which should have already been empty of all its occupants for all the murders and killings TV tells us are happening there (I guess it's cheaper to shoot on location there, for i'ts obvious the city is just an offshoot of the studios as there is no other seeming reason for its existence).Haven't the makers of this terrible waste seen The Wire? Has laziness to think up fresh approaches to police series taken over completely? I would have given this show a straight 0 had I been allowed to. As it is I am thinking of suing the makers for the hour I have wasted and which I am never getting back. And BTW, I gave it another shot - tried to watch the second episode but lost all interest after 15 minutes. Please don't bring this back...
    keefus-1 When I first sat down to watch this show I was expecting another formulaic, "fast and loose with the rules but always just on the right side of the line" cop show. I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised.Dark Blue is indeed refreshingly dark; the characters are predictably tortured souls with an interesting mix of personalities and histories that add to the depth of the plot lines, they are all superbly written and acted to the degree that sometimes the plot becomes something of a happenstance as we follow the personal journeys of the protagonists.the plots themselves have all been seen before in numerous guises, but Dark Blue puts a new and slightly twisted slant on them that can fool you into thinking that you have never seen them before, but it is worth remembering that the case is not really the important thing here; it is what the case does to the characters that defines the show.All in all, I would recommend this show to anyone who wants to watch a new and gritty take on a genre that has not yet been pushed to these limits.
    zttizzl Just finished watching the season premiere of Dark Blue and decided to do a quick review over the show.Dylan McDermott... Just isn't right for this role. Every other movie I've seen him in, he naturally plays the part, but in this... I don't like him. Something in the way he acts is different. This may be construed as a minor complaint, but if it's with the protagonist, it foretells of other evils to come.Aycox wasn't seen enough in the pilot to really form an opinion over. I'm hoping for the best, but gearing up for the less-than-best.The other two actors are really in their element, aside from the fact that this is basic cable. It seems to me that if the show had been on HBO, they'd be using systematic foul language and vulgar terms. But the censorship doesn't detract from the pilot as much as you'd think.All in all, a decent show to watch. It's not as good as say, the original Law & Order, or the original CSI. But it's definitely better than all the crap TNT has been spewing out lately, such as Bones and Charmed.Perhaps this series could develop into something more over time, with the actors fitting into their roles more comfortably (especially McDermott) and a certain style developing. But my prediction is that the strong first season will be epically ruined in the "shocking new season" which usually happens with modern TV shows. Do what I did with this series: Hope for the best, but expect somewhat worse.
    letterblush I'm always wary of any production that has Jerry Bruckheimer attached to it - I never know if things will turn out for the best (CSI: Las Vegas) or for the worst (Transformers 2). When I heard Dylan McDermott was going to star, I decided to give the pilot a chance...and I'm glad I did.The show centers around Lt. Shaw's (McDermott) undercover unit, comprised of himself and two other cops, Curtis (Hardwick) and Bendis (Marshall-Green). Along the way, Shaw recruits a bright-eyed street cop with a dubious past, Allen (Aycox). The unit walks the line between committing felonies that could land them in jail for a considerable amount of time and nailing the criminal enterprises they have infiltrated.The writing is sharp, if a little predictable when it comes to the "Federal Bureau of Intimidation," but the show works. I hope it becomes serialized like 24 and The Shield, and not procedural like NYPD Blue, as I think that'll give the show more of a chance to delve into the psychology of what it takes to be an undercover cop and remain the person you were when you entered into a cover.All in all, a good start with a lot of potential. I hope they focus on the characters as much as they do on plot in the episodes to come.8/10